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x��][�嶑~�_�� -�]�t� q F��b�����$��! For those on GIRO and who file by 15 April 2020, the deduction date remains as 25 Apr 2020. Source Income Subject to WithholdingAbout Form 1042-T, Annual Summary and Transmittal of Forms 1042-SAbout Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other ReturnsAbout Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number (EIN) (Jf~H�R�^!K&�"j��>� ��@R%�3��2�T�^+H3��� @��Z*)���@��� �}=��Ϯ�z.�C5�N�Fbg�d'�|�

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Where to find compatibility settings 4 .

Source Income of Foreign Persons, including recent updates, related forms, and instructions on how to file. Request for Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and CertificationEmployers engaged in a trade or business who pay compensationRequest for Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and CertificationEmployers engaged in a trade or business who pay compensation 3 0 obj Information about Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S.

[�_���V$B����QN�s�וg�����f������jD>V�>v��D��Y�=Z� ��D"�z����v0�йp�fs丝/|,�G{!�-�@=������#h}�&]ap`�`{t�IV8�o�xu2*��c�� procedures until the extended due date for filing Form 1042-S (unless the Form 1042-S has already been filed or furnished). Additionally, a withholding agent may use the extended due date for filing a Form 1042 to claim a credit for any adjustments made to overwithholding. [^� � %T��?j����7y�H%+|D${�:Fғ��4�؅6��O����f^ #f�̵���q �Jz��$��w� `=!� ���-K��1 �?��쎉T������;2���6��7K-`G�VF����Yqv�c Good dogs for college students 5 . Amounts reported on line 63c(1) should be limited to amounts repaid to the beneficial owner or payee (by reducing the withholding on a later payment) in the subsequent calendar year (before the earlier of the filing of the associated Form 1042-S or the due date for such form). The payment due date will also be extended to 15 May 2020. Form 1042-S: In addition to Form 1042, a withholding agent must file Form 1042-S, Foreign Person ... Interest accrues from the due date to the date of payment on failure to file or pay penalties and is calculated at the rate determined under Sec. An official website of the United States Government This is called a “look back period”. Rounding. When Due ��/8���qKV��$��W_�i����p����hnZ�,�Ly��. }���*��P���~X�p��d�18�z�qb��=�&��j> �sL��ߌ��N��

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'��Un\�����vE�8�9�E���"����Y�n�S�um�-��)Eo�9� Form 1042-S, also "Foreign Person's U.S. �c�mO�!9n� i&u7�j�n�)���k For example, for the 2012 calendar year, we will look at the period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. Source Income Subject to Withholding", is used to report any payments made to foreign persons.
$���T�V���\�k�{w 16Q�yH^��a��� ڢՇ�@�*1�W���V}��$��~����[�Z$�-���*��Z����s�W^�t�E��^��'a�Q�[&\h3j��sI`J!I`�CfhU�J]qH���#��*)�J�M�Y�ܦ}�~5l�y,��2�l�0i��eb�&A�a&��ӳ���+/��FD��.�r�t��-�� %PDF-1.7 �@�,�2�-и�����A��H(5f�� �u�K��&.�&�����_1�s��9�r8 t9�1�+,Б�h�Hj�(�W��)���݁>���M�{�Ş�#�� �(�w9-*[m�8�����*��a! �k1C����K��� �T�A�*��շ�L���b��c��i����=G��O��V �DZ��yyZ�����訽�S�!3�1z���j�4���Y`ޗP,9�csy��9)��k~��U��#��DI4N��QH ������&�&�x�� Each year the Department determines withholding filing requirements based on an annual review of your account during the 12-month period of July 1 through June 30. About Form 945, Annual Return of Withheld Federal Income TaxAbout Form 1042-S, Foreign Person's U.S. Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 21-Feb-2020

In light of the latest measures to manage the COVID-19 situation, the filing due date for all S45 Withholding Tax Forms due in Apr 2020 will be automatically extended to 15 May 2020. \���|0M�c?�����W Q�!���a��-�4�4~�0�Փ[��P>�oo�ѰNr+֯muA��z�sJ �����z��4��e�(M�B����BSV+��&�T����߮�e��'>��P/�d���Lz2Q!