My sister is 5″9 and my brothers all over 6″1. But Germans from the Southern areas of Germany border to Switzerland and Austria are shorter on average.Germans in Northern and Western Germany are on the average as tall as the Dutch!from what i have seen when i visited German they are tall...I'm 2nd generation german and I'm pretty tall I'm 5"11How do you think about the answers? There has presumably been quite an influx into the population from potentially shorter nations?

My great grandmother is probably like 4'5 (she's in her 80s though but according to my father she was never that tall), my grandmother is about 5'4 and my great uncle is about 5'9-6'0 (I don't see him often so I'm … (Excluding obesity rates.) Who would be measured? Consequently short Aussies, Americans etc and tall Dutch.So pretty much the ideal diet is to eat a lot of animal products until you stop growing, then switch to a Mediterranean/vegetarian/proletarian/vegan diet? I’m not sure I’m convinced, however.

a related piece. Instagram/thorbjornsson

Many are overweight too. I’m born and raised in San Diego, CAWhat if all the Dutch manlets were conscripted and died at war leaving only the tallest to reproduce?What about Dutch heritage Americans? (I’m a bioarchaeologist studying human bone growth. If this reliance changed over the years, (i.e. My grandmother was born in 1924 and was 5’7. Height is not all due to nutrition it is genetics.3rd world immigrants is no longer an acceptable phrase; they’re now referred to the developing world.While I don’t have any hard evidence, I’m willing to argue that the reason for such great height among the Dutch can’t simply be reduced to nutrition.

He will have you writhing, snapping and thrashing in the most ecstatic continuous concupiscent encounter ever.Since my ancestry is 100% dutch this was an interesting article. My mother’s family were German from Westphalia, grandmother was 5″10.

This is an opinion that’s not at all based on facts. Yes, from all the Germans I've seen in the media- Heidi Klum, Bill Kaulitz etc... they are all pretty tall! The thought came to mind, that apart from their healthy eating habits, the topography of the Netherlands is very flat. If human population generally prefers higher mates, gene of the heights will be delivered through their offspring.

On analyzing the diets of similarly tall countries like Sweden and Denmark some argue that:Oldest lesson in the book: Correlation does not imply causation. From an article by Randal Olson I learned that the star of this growth is the Netherlands, and the obvious underdog […][…] scientist Randal Olson made a chart that showed how dramatically this effect transformed the Netherlands. It depends where the Germans and Russians are from in Germany and Russia. The Romans said they could not have found a more poorly livable situation.

Several boys were 200+cm. I would think that has a greater chance of affecting height than wealth. Today, the young people look virtually identical to us Americans. Most of the food in restaurants is horrid, while the one in the supermarkets is mostly filled with sugar, simple carbs or fat dressings/sauces, making it very heavy. Could it be that the growth of the Dutch has not been hampered by physical stress as much as those living in mountainous countries with rough terrain? This was not true only one generation ago.

A brief search of the available statistics reveals that the largest influx of immigrants in the Netherlands comes from the EU, predominantly from Belgium and Germany, which have very tall (sub-)populations. The same clothes, hairstyles, the people are attractive, slender and taller !

Dutch conscription had both a minimum and maximum height requirement, by the way.« Dutch conscription had both a minimum and maximum height requirement, by the way.»To be admitted, but not necessarily to pass the medical exam… If the measurement precedes the admittance to the ranks, than there is no bias in that part.My brothers, sister and I are all born in Canada to immigrant parents who came to Canada in the late 1940’s, after the war.

(or if my brothers are an example, they grow a bit or loose the cool “teen slouch” after 18.The biggest factor in the growth spurt in the latter half of the 20th century is all to do with diet.While most countries banned the use of growth hormones being fed to livestock entering the human food chain, the Dutch persisted with it, accounting for the prevalence off tall men, and women, now seen. Jose Jimenez/Primera Hora/Getty Images There’s probably data becoming available to check this. There definitely has been a significant growth of Mexican Americans, and they aren’t known for being very tall. Michel Euler/AP