If you are in the business than this dream indicates that you need to put all efforts into making your particular business success.

To see a brown tabby cat in your dream signifies that you're going to receive some important news in the near future.

Be free and let yourself enjoy life more.To dream that your cat is missing and you cannot find your cat in the dream state relates heavily to the behavior of those around you. It is very similar to starting a new without any bitterness and disillusionment from the past.

You should not feel that this is a negative dream it is in fact positive.The wildcats in a dream is associated with meeting a resolution in life, spiritually to see wild cats on different terrains indicates that you’re going to admire other people. You need to show your playful side. This is especially associated with your own identity Make sure that you are securely attached to your goals in life Finding a lost cat in the dream state illustrates the wisdom may have been lost for some time. From a superstition perspective black cat is considered lucky especially for crosses your path.A dream of an aggressive cat may show that someone in your life is untrustworthy or disloyal to you. It indicates you have a hidden sense of intuition. If you are watching a cat poop in a dream then this suggests that you will have good luck from a spiritual perspective.Black cats featured in dreams are extremely lucky. It is the point in time where you are and afraid to venture into the unknown.As we have already concluded cats symbolize independence and wisdom. There is much more that you can achieve if the cat was lost or stolen in your dream. This dream means that you face any difficulties in your life with power and ease. To see a cat in a collar indicates your conscious goal to be creative. The cat can also suggest that you need to work on your own balancing life and stop taking the blame for things.To see two cats in a dream indicates you are searching for deeper wisdom within.

The cat from a mythical perspective is connected to our own inner courage. The domestic tabby cat that has a distinctive beautiful coat which has lovely swirly patterns and also stripes and dots. To see the cat be rescued in a dream illustrates that you are feeling behind at work. If the cat drinks from the toilet or bathtub in a dream, not from a dish then this suggests that other people are going to play with your emotions. Sometimes people say things in life which they simply regret or do not mean. Ancient dream dictionaries indicate that if the cat looks dirty this can also mean that a friend is likely to recover from a long-term illness. If the wildcat attacked you in a dream then this indicates that you need to look at your natural environment and perhaps take a holiday or change your environment somewhat.To see or smell cat litter or poo in a dream can be quite an unusual dream to have To eat cat poop is properly one of the most horrendous nightmares you may encounter. It doesn't matter if you're a proud cat lady or more of a dog/ bird/ iguana person — we all have the occasional But while having a dream about a cat is common, it's not always easy to understand Though Gay notes that the true meaning of our cat dreams can only be found by sorting through our personal emotions and reactions to the dreams (and to cats in general), we can all sometimes use some help making sense of dream imagery. In addition, to see a cat which is currently dead in waking life is a subconscious sign for you to take notice of your inner feelings and interests. If the cat showed any form of illness such as internal parasites, rabies, fleas or serious disease in the dream then this suggests that you will not get the support that you are looking for long-term. Are you a cat lover in real life? Cat Symbolism in Dreams. There are many different qualities that a cat portrays. The reason why is because competitors are catching up with you.

They are connected to not only peace and tranquillity but also the need for human comfort. Dreaming of a multi-colored cat symbolizes many people working together to achieve a goal. It can suggest that you have been wrapped up in cotton wool. That's … Consider traditional meaning of cats in dreams. If the stray cat attacked you in a dream and this indicates that need to put your safety first in any situation in regards to the financial side of life.

A dream of cats is a link to your feminine side and is associated with females.