Get rid of the unwanted babies and the weapons… and your crime can drop 79% too.We have free abortion. “I’m upset because the government isn’t taking their job of treating me as big over grown baby seriously enough, I’m not getting enough free stuff! Why have you bunched suicides with homicides?
So we’re to believe that a criminal will give up robbing, stealing, raping, and killing if we could some how outlaw all guns? Any broad supporting the disarmament of her own father, husband and male relatives, have only herself to thank when none of them are able to come to her defense. That is FLAT OUT WRONG and when the government gets to that point it is time for a CHANGE of the government.Oh I am. Won’t even be a fight, the Sharia zones will just spread out and eat the whole place.While it may not be all that, Sharia Law sure as heck beats progressive law (as do anything else, up to and including nuclear holocaust, come to think of it), which seem to be the only realistic alternative over there.I can’t understand why otherwise intelligent people think that a gun law will stop a criminal from acquiring and using a gun in the course of his other illegal activity. But it is so easy for them to get hold of military hw so there is no need for that today.I appreciate you guys joining the discussion and giving us some insight to the situation in Sweden. potentially rewarding as well. You can pull all of the deaths that do nothing but remove human garbage from the gene pool out of your numbers, too.As for the rest of your steaming pile of idiocy, I’m just going to copy and paste a post I made about the reality of the murder rate in the US a little while back on TTAC, because I don’t actually care enough to write a special post just for you:“(You must u)nderstand (…)that emotion cannot be allowed to dictate social policy.Throughout human history, emotion has been the tool weilded to bring popular support to unjust causes. 5/10. What kind of nut would recommend that?Dan Zimmerman is usual with his “stories” and comments was him pocketing an NRA… Neurotic/Nazi Rifle Association check.Gun free zone have NOT created the whole problem!!! It does not have a gun or a trigger finger!Yeah, we still speed on the freeway like Jeff Gordon. The same site’s number for the US is still about 28% of Sweden’s.A second check of the assault rate statistic I found suggests that it is similar in scope with the Arizona rate after all. This cannot be happening as our Supreme Dear Leader stated that these things do not happen in other advanced countries.

There are no more melting pots when it comes to immigration.Still, witnesses are scared to talk and the police are stretched. The far-Right Sweden Democrats party is now within a hair's breadth of becoming Sweden's biggest political party as it uses the five towns where it … They really don’t want to accomplish anything or else they wouldn’t have any reason to ask for (take) more of your money.Hating on politicians for making it LOOK like they can defy the laws of nature because they do not ACTUALLY defy the laws of nature?They fake it because there’s really nothing else they can do… Just like Cops, Politicians are asked to do the impossible: Be responsible for someone else who refuses to be responsible for themselves.Yep. For them, a shooting with an illegal gun just means a push to make more guns illegal.Sweden accepted lots of asylum-seekers in the 1980s and 1990s from countries like Iraq, Somalia and the former Yugoslavia.Sweden built them homes and taught them its language, but it failed to integrate them into the labour market. Whose potential has been irreversibly stunted by state sponsored indoctrination.What kind of “no go areas?” Are these like cool Stockholm hacker Piratbyrån areas where everybody looks like Noomi Rapace in the movie “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” (Millennium – Män som hatar kvinnor). Liberal/progressivism is a death cult. 61.6 (2012): 4(2) “Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities for The First Nine Months (January-September) of 2012″ Traffic Safety Facts DOT# HS 811 706. but the people are resisting.I do suspect that in some of the Northern European countries at least, there will be a tipping point where they will realize that they are effectively surrendering their countries to Muslim extremists and will actually make an attempt to get their country back.
If a person breaks in your house and tries to kill you and you shoot them with your gun – then you should definitely I was forgetting: if you’re assaulted at home, you should defend yourself with bare hands or with a stick. What kind of nut would recommend that?Projection. ISIS, with brief periods of “tolerance”, has been the face of Islam for the last 1400 years.