Or have a scroll through the list and discover something new!If there's a particular plant you're looking for and it isn't on the list, use the cont Flowers in glomerule or a many-flowered cyme; flowers sterile; bractoles terminating in a hook — 10. In: Nuevo Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de Venezuela (Hokche, O., P.E.

10-14. If you examined the flowers of a Goosefoot plant with a lens you would see 2 to 5 (usually 5) sepals, often united, and no petals. Dicot Families . Leaves small, in basal rosette, early caduceus; tepals 5, free; stamens adnate to the tepals; gynoecium perigynous — 13.

Inflorescences in glomerules or axillary spikes — 1111. This family is accepted. Fruits indehiscent or irregularly dehiscent; seeds non-arillate — 6. Caracas.CUÉNOUD, P., V. SAVOLAINEN, L.W.

Plants creeping; leaves fleshy, linear or lanceolate; stamens 5 — 23. 2002.

Neotropical Amaranthaceae. If enough people ask for them we’ll consider adding them. 1988© Copyright Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Hi, so I have an acute allergy to capsaicin and am trying to research all of the foods and medications that contain it. Scandent herbs or lianes; stamen filaments fused into a cup-shape — 55. Plant List . 2005. Spinacia L. - Spinacia oleracea L., … Phylogenetics of Amaranthaceae based on matK/trnK sequence data - Evidence from Parsimony, Likelihood, and Bayesian analyses. 1990. Leaves with crenate or deeply lobed margins ... APG II, 2003. Learn & M.T. Townsend.

It can also be used for leaf production until the plant is 2 feet tall. The legume family is now officially Fabaceae – it would be useful if you updated your table to reflect this. Chatrou, M. Powell, R.J. Grayer & M.W. Inflorescences in globose or cylindrical spikes or heads; flowers bisexual, not surrounded by trichomes; pseudostaminodes absent ... 2121. Of Pakistani genera of this family Deeringia, Celosia, Bosea, Amaranthus and Digera appear to have leaves constantly alternate, and Pupalia, Achyranthes, Alternanthera, Gomphrena and Iresine opposite. Flora of Tropical East Africa. : Wild carrots looks similar to poisonous hemlock so be certain! 1992. Home . Missouri Bot. The Families and Genera of Flowering Plants 2:70-91Amaranthaceae, C. C. Townsend. 89(1): 132-144.Giannasi, D.E., G. Zurawski, G.H. Thanks so much.Thanks for your comments Samantha, it looks like it’s UK/US/rest of world thing – I’ve added both for now.Rodney, All beans are part of the Fabaceae family or legume family.

Gard. EPPO Alert List – Amaranthus palmeri (Amaranthaceae) Why. CLEGG. Amaranthaceae. Missouri Bot. Cat. Berry & O. Huber, eds.

This is now outdated!! Sepals basally connate; plants with abundant grey indumentum; fruits with or without appendages — 1414.

92:66-102.RUTTER, R. A. 1954Amaranthaceae, C.C. If you find a weedy plant lacking obvious flowers, and forming globby or poky seeds along the stems, it is likely you have a species from this family. Amaranthus palmeri (Amaranthaceae) is an annual plant originating from Western North America. Sepals ovate or suborbicular, obtuse; stigmas 3; seeds more than 10 — 4. This makes Amaranthaceae the family with most …

The amaranth family Amaranthaceae (including the former goosefoot family Chenopodiaceae) contains around 800 known C 4 species, which belong to 14 distinct lineages in seven subfamilies.
Flowering Plants of Hawaii. Flowers or flower glomerules in elongate spikes or in cymes; stigma capitate — 88. LEARN & M.T. Or certainly the most comprehensive list that I have curated to date.To search for a particular plant hold 'CTRL' & 'F' together and type the plant you're looking for. Int. Gard. It is a big problem for me not knowing what all they are, especially as food ingredients. Can you perhaps aid me in my search?I want a full complete list of all gourd vegetables and fruits.I noticed you are still using Leguminosae as a family name. American Journal of Botany 89(1): 132-144.GIANNASI, D.E., G. ZURAWSKI, G.H. 1954Chenopodiaceae, J.P.M.. Brenan. J. Pl.Sci. Amaranthaceae. Evolutionary relationships of the Caryophyllidae based on comparative rbcL sequences. Introduction. Inflorescences of heads; trichomes straight, surrounding the flowers — 18. Filaments fused into a tube; inflorescences with or without foliolose bracts — 1919.

Ann. 1 Acanthaceae - Aizoaceae. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela.

CHATROU, M. POWELL, R.J. GRAYER & M.W. de plantas útiles de la Amazonía Peruana. Chase. Clegg. Use Floridata's Master Plant List search bar (for botanical names) and tag popup menus to search and filter the plant database.

Müller K. & T. Borsch. Molecular phylogenetics of Caryophyllales based on nuclear 18S RDNA and plastid rbcL, atpB, and matK  DNA sequences. Flora Zambesiaca 9:1. Soc. I can’t find a list of the common names anywhere, I can find the latin names for each but that doesn’t help me as not many people know latin. 3 Apiaceae - Apocynaceae. J. Linn.

Flora Zambesiaca 9:1.