AMSA 232. If the form does not allow you to answer no, this means it is mandatory for you to give us this document for the certificate you are applying for. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Please go to the 1. Please use the form on this page to submit your application.Australia Post advises they are still experiencing delivery delays in their network due COVID-19 impacts. If it does not, your application will be returned to you unprocessed. Your signature must fit within the box.There are two specimen signature boxes on the form. This form 426 replaces form 534.

PAYMENT Certificate:CoxswainGrade2NC Action:Newcertificate TOTALFEEPAYABLE:A$151.00 APPLICANT(PERSONAL)DETAILS Seafareridentificationnumber (ifnotknowninsertN/A) Typeofcertificatecurrentlyheld (insert"N/A"ifyouholdnocertificate) CertificateNumber (insert"N/A"ifyouholdnocertificate) Title Surname … * Yes.

You must submit all information required in one submission.Do not submit your documents separately. Form Number Form Title Form Description; 419: INTERNATIONAL SEAFARER … Certificate and/or endorsement (certificate of competency for deck and engineer officers require positive AMSA sea service assessment).

The documents we need will depend on whether you are applying within Australia or from overseas. If everything is correct we will issue your certificate within approximately 28 days.When you fill in your application form, the system will provide a checklist of supporting documents for you to print (see example below). This will avoid any delays with you receiving your certificate.If you already have a certificate of competency you must let us know within 21 days if you change your name or address.There may be an additional cost if we need to reissue your certificate to a different address.We use this information to improve our website, and it is not intended as a customer service channel. Oral examinations are required for either of the following applications:You can pay for your oral examinations in one of two ways:Documented sea service will be assessed for competency certificates (deck officers and engineer officers) and certificate of proficiency (ratings). PAYMENT Certificate:MarineEngineDriverGrade2 NC Action:Newcertificate TOTALFEEPAYABLE:A$151.00 APPLICANT(PERSONAL)DETAILS Seafareridentificationnumber (ifnotknowninsertN/A) Typeofcertificatecurrentlyheld (insert"N/A"ifyouholdnocertificate) CertificateNumber (insert"N/A"ifyouholdnocertificate) Title Surname … For all CoC applications lodge with AMSA 426 form. No (send us anonymous feedback) Contact details.

Guidance on how to use this form ... AMSA form: 426. If your signature falls outside both specimen signature boxes, you will need to lodge another fully completed application form.

If you complete the form online selecting yes to one statement may automatically make the response no for some of the other statements.If you answer yes to any of the questions 1 to 9 in this section you must attach a copy of your current and valid For all applications other than for a new certificate there are ten questions. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. You will need to scroll down to the correct “type of certificate” and the correct "capacity".You should lodge your application in person at a participating Your passport-quality colour photo will be taken by Australia Post.You will need to fill out the AMSA form 419, attach all required supporting documents, include payment and send the paperwork to us at our The fee for your application is calculated as you complete the form. You must attach one recent colour passport photograph of yourself on the designated area in the last page of your application form. Complete form 419 if you are applying for: Sea service assessment for deck and engineer officers only, including recognition. There is a box for you to provide further details such as when and where your certificate was lost or stolen, how it was destroyed or any other reasons why you need a replacement.Your responses tell us what restriction you want removed and how you meet the requirements, such as a sea service and training, to get the restriction lifted.Your responses tell us what endorsement you want to add and how you meet the requirements, such as a sea service and training, for that endorsement.If you have changed your name you must respond yes to the statement in this section and provide your previous name in the area provided. You must open a new form each time you apply for a new certificate of competency or a variation (example revalidation, adding an endorsement, removing a restriction, etc) to your existing certificate of competency.If you are unable to access or download the application form please contact Based on the certificate of competency and application type that you choose you may have to complete one or more of the declarations below.You must respond yes or no to all of the statements in each declaration.

Medical examination report. If you require assistance with AMSA services, please contact For domestic or near coastal qualification applications, use We are no longer accepting the old versions of form 419. Please use the form on this page to submit your application.Australia Post advises they are still experiencing delivery delays in their network due COVID-19 impacts.

Application for a Certificate of Competency – first time issue (AMSA form 426); Submit your entire application at an approved Australia post, provide ID and pay AMSA fees. Application for a Certificate of Competency – first time issue (AMSA form 426); Submit your entire application at an approved Australia post, provide ID and pay AMSA fees. If you require assistance with AMSA services, please contact AMSA Connect. Please ensure that the bank draft is written against an Australian bank.We use this information to improve our website, and it is not intended as a customer service channel. This list will be specific to the qualifications you have selected.We will not accept incomplete applications. You can use this form to complete a medical examination report.

It also does not indicate acceptance of your sea service.If you have applied for a certificate of competency and move house while we are assessing your application you need to tell us.