There is evidence that Cristofori continued to work for the Medici court, still headed by the Prince's father Cosimo III.

The original was lost in the Second World War.For the latter work, see reference by Grant O'Brien under External Links belowThe scholarly situation is summarized by Montanari (1991): excerpts from the Mannucci diary, entitled "Per mio ricordo Memoria di Francesco M. Mannucci Fiorentino A di 16 febbraio 1710 ab Inc Laus Deo," were published by M. Fabri (1964).
Cristofori's pianos use an internal frame member (bentside) to support the soundboard; in other words, the structural member attaching the right side of the soundboard is distinct from the external case that bears the tension of the strings. 1700 wird oft als Datum der Erfindung des Hammerflügels angegeben, da in diesem Jahr ein Inventar der Instrumentensammlung des Herzogs verfaßt wurde, in dem ein "Arpicmbalo di Bartolomeo Cristofori, di nuova inventione, che fa il piano e il forte" beschrieben wurde. According to Wraight, it is not straightforward to determine what Cristofori's pianos sounded like, since the surviving instruments (see above) are either too decrepit to be played or have been extensively and irretrievably altered in later "restorations". Bekannt gemacht hat ihn seine berühmteste Erfindung, das Klavier, nicht. Ferdinando, the son and heir of Cosimo III, Grand Duke of Tuscany, loved music.There is only speculation as to what led Ferdinando to recruit Cristofori. The three surviving instruments all bear essentially the same Latin inscription: "The piano as built by Cristofori in the 1720s boasted almost all of the features of the modern instrument. Bartolomeo Cristofori, inventor of the piano, was born 360 years ago today! McTammany's invention was actually the earlier one invented (1876), however, the patent dates are in the opposite order due to filing procedures.On March 28, 1889, William Fleming received a patent for a player piano using electricity. de’ Medici, als Instrumentenbauer und -stimmer an seinen Hof in Florenz geholt. Der Hammer wurde durch eine Stoßzunge gegen die Saite geschleudert gab und sie zum freien Schwingen sofort wieder frei. It differed in being of very light construction, lacking a metal frame; this meant that it could not produce an especially loud tone. This system was also applied by Cristofori to harpsichords.Wraight has written that the three surviving Cristofori pianos appear to follow an orderly progression: each has heavier framing than its predecessor.

If it did, the hammer would block on the string and damp its vibrations. Thus, the tuning hammer is used on the top side of the wrest plank, but the strings are wrapped around the pins on the bottom side. He was born with the full name Bartolomeo Cristofori di Francesco on 4 May 1655 Padua in the Republic of Venice. As in modern pianos, the hammers are larger in the bass notes than in the treble. He took the credit as the inventor of piano. Doodle für Cristofori: Ehrung auf Google-Startseite"Ein Cembalo, das laut und leise spielen kann", auf Italienisch also Cristofori kam am 4. Their doubts seem to have convinced other scholars (see references by O'Brian and Pollens (1995) below), and the diary—along with its 1698 date for the invention of the piano—is not relied on in the most current reference sources.Vogel (2003:11) notes several aspects of the modern piano action that were already employed by Cristofori ("moveable jack, single escapement, intermediate level, back check, upper damper"), citing them as "visible proof of Cristofori's genius" and observing that a number of these parts were "re-invented" during the evolution of the piano.The count is from Kottick (2003, 211), who lists eight but wrote just before the discovery of the ninth, the 1690 oval spinet.Denzil Wraight (1991) "A Zenti harpsichord rediscovered".