You've got to "Here to compliment about how rich, famous, and just plain awesome I am, eh bro?" "Seto, your pills!"
Send to Friend. "What the hell is a motorcycle," Jack asked. He turned to the rest of the team and ordered them, "Go fire up the Blue-Eyes jet. He appeared as if he had nothing better to do. Kaiba?" "I just cannot believe that there's a company that more popular than mine... "Tell me, brother… which company is foolish enough to try and be more popular than mine? "I am your "Well, um... there's this one company that's become more popular yours, and-" began Mokuba. by Wryyyyyy Follow. It took a while for the following sentence to break out of his mouth: "Say that again..." Card Games On Motorcycles! ", starting what would eventually become a new Internet meme. Share via Email Report Story Kaiba chuckled to himself, sitting down in his seat and placing his crossed fingers upon his desk. Those who were among the crowd were invited to the presentation of a new duel system, and they were anxious to find out what it was. In a brief moment of sanity, LittleKuriboh remembered that Yu-Gi-Oh! He walked out of his office, quickly shutting the door behind him. 5d shout “CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES” in turn, with a … "Half motorcycle, half duel system," resumed Kaiba, "this baby is the main focus for an all-"In a turbo duel, the all-new Field Spell Card, Speed World, will be in play; with it in play, no Spell Cards—other than ones that include '"And you're probably wondering what Speed Counters "So do something useful... and get a duel runner... With that, the presentation ended, and it left everyone in more awe than ever before. Big brother! explained the assistant. That'll fix everything. The heart of the cards. "Mokuba, Mokuba, Mokuba," Kaiba comforted his brother, and gently placing a hand on his shoulder. he ran towards his older brother, waving a plastic bottle of his medications in his hand. "And that is why I need you all to help create a duel system like that," Kaiba finished his presentation to the team of employees that worked at KaibaCorp's inventions creating and testing laboratory. Card Games On Motorcycles!

He climbed upon the runner, put on a nearby helmet, and started up the runner's engines.

"Please, follow me," said the head of the team, motioning Kaiba to follow him. Yes, we are all about to see the very first duel performed on the very first duel runner ever created. Then, he felt a sudden rush of anger inside him. And then it became one of those things that still follows me around to this day. "Mr. Seto Kaiba," announced the head of the team, walking over to the object as a drum roll was heard from out of nowhere, "I would like to be the first to present to you what may change the game of Duel Monsters forever as we know it! Kaiba?" By Yuseithesynchrohero 13,522 Views; 0:25 Add To Hey Kroze- Card Games On Motorcycles!!! Mokuba, who suddenly knew what Kaiba was talking about, opened his eyes wide in shock.

Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. There were comments such as "Outstanding!" Yusei Fudo is the protagonist of Yu-Gi-Oh! But it wasn't just "Yes, it is... very beautiful, indeed..." replied the head of the team, feeling a little uneasy. "It's because... uh... that's the way things roll?"
CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!! JOKAGE: Hey, knock yourself out. Sticky, damp cards. And so, Kaiba walked out his office to his secret laboratory, with Mokuba willingly following behind. "You know, other me," Yugi brought up a subject, "I've been meaning to ask you this for quite some time now..."