Muller Edition 1.15.7Echols, Edward C. "Herodian of Antioch's History of the Roman Empire." Nevertheless, though the One of the ways he paid for his donatives (imperial handouts) and mass entertainments was to tax the senatorial order, and on many inscriptions, the traditional order of the two nominal powers of the state, the Senate and People (At the outset of his reign, Commodus, aged 18, inherited many of his father's senior advisers, notably The first crisis of the reign came in 182, when Lucilla engineered a conspiracy against her brother. Next, Maximus is pitted against the formidable Tigris of Gaul, an undefeated gladiator. "Exsuperatorius" (the supreme) was a title given to Jupiter, and "Amazonius" identified him again with Hercules. The emperor eventually decided to abandon “the reins of the empire” and chose to give “himself up to chariot-racing and licentiousness and performed scarcely any of the duties pertaining to his office.” He appointed a series of his favorites to manage the administration of his empire, each of whom seemed crueler and more incompetent than the last. Gladiator is a 2000 epic historical drama film directed by Ridley Scott.It follows the same period of history and takes similar liberties with its plot as the 1964 film The Fall of the Roman Empire, while also taking several cues from Stanley Kubrick's Spartacus.. It worked and the Nerva-Antonine dynasty which had ruled Rome for nearly a century had come to an end and the city soon descended into civil war. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Commodus (/ ˈ k ɒ m ə d ə s /; 31 August 161 – 31 December 192) was Roman emperor with his father Marcus Aurelius from 177 until his father's death in 180, and solely until 192.
He ignored the fact given to him by His hatred for Maximus did not extinguish. Striking story! When the team portraying Carthage defy expectations and win, Commodus comes into the arena to personally congratulate them, along with his young nephew Lucius. The legendary Spartacus: Gladiator and leader of slaves against the Romans Upon his father’s death in 180, Commodus became the sole Emperor. Lucilla was exiled to Commodus took the loss of Saoterus badly, and Perennis now seized the chance to advance himself by implicating Paternus in a second conspiracy, one apparently led by Perennis took over the reins of government and Commodus found a new chamberlain and favourite in Commodus was inaugurated in 183 as consul with Aufidius Victorinus for a colleague and assumed the title Priscus refused to accept their acclamations, and Perennis had all the legionary However, the following year, a detachment of soldiers from Britain (they had been drafted to Cleander proceeded to concentrate power in his own hands and to enrich himself by becoming responsible for all public offices: he sold and bestowed entry to the Senate, army commands, Early in 188, Cleander disposed of the current praetorian prefect, In the spring of 190, Rome was afflicted by a food shortage, for which the The emperor now changed his name to Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus. Commodus never listened to anyone due to his arrogance, he did not want anyone's advice or tactics to tame his misanthropic and greedy nature. Cassius Dio recorded one incident where, after becoming tired out, Commodus ordered a cup of chilled wine to him and “drank it at one gulp.” In an amusing anecdote, Dio continued, “At this both the populace and we senators all immediately shouted out the words so familiar at drinking-bouts, ‘Long life to you! He was assassinated by strangulation in his bath on December 31st in the year 192. He was killed by his trainer and wrestling partner Narcissus, and his guard prefect Quintus Laetus. The first, Sextus Tigidius Perennis, Commodus put to death after becoming convinced he was conspiring against him. The only son of the Roman emperor named Marcus Aurelius, Commodus is also the black sheep of his family: he is a ruthless, vengeful, cruel, hateful and unstable man who lusts after his own sister and thinks of himself as a god. Commodus died as he lived; a selfish tyrant whose desire for attention resulted in many lives being ruined by his cowardly nature. Commodus was crowned Emperor of Rome, but had an uneasy approach to the post. He was the brother of Princess Lucilla, and uncle of Lucius. Commodus was Roman emperor from 180 to 192 CE. '”The megalomania of Commodus was not limited to the Colosseum. He really saw why Marcus Aurelius preferred Maximus over him; Maximus was loyal, brave, rational, careful and strong, while Commodus was incompetent, cowardly and unstable. During the first seconds of the duel,Commodus was disarmed by Maximus and his guards refused to give him a sword.

" The general who became a slave. Because of that, Commodus is now infamous in popular culture. The gladiator who defied an emperor. Dio, Cassius. “Commodus was a greater curse to the Romans than any pestilence or any crime” and the city had descended into bankruptcy and chaos. Only a famous death will do. On 31 December, Marcia poisoned Commodus' food but he vomited up the poison, so the conspirators sent his wrestling partner Cassius Dio, a first-hand witness, describes him as "not naturally wicked but, on the contrary, as guileless as any man that ever lived. Roman History: Epitome of Book LXXIII pp 111.Gibbon, Edward. The emperor Titus Flavian completed the And the wise Marcus Aurelius, known as the “Philosopher” and the last of the “Five Good Emperors,” would be succeeded by his son Commodus, whose descent into madness would be immortalized throughout the millennia (including a heavily fictionalized account in the popular 2000 film Lucius Aurelius Commodus, born 161 A.D., was appointed co-emperor by his father Marcus Aurelius in 177 A.D. when he was just 16 years old. 6. Undaunted, Maximus turns around and walks away. He executed the two would-be assassins along with a group of prominent senators who were also allegedly involved while Lucilla was exiled to Capri before also being killed on her brother’s orders a year later.The assassination attempt marked a turning point in Commodus’ reign, for “once [he had] tasted human blood, he became incapable of pity or remorse.” He began executing people without regard for rank, wealth, or sex.