Ratings Info Contains frequent moderate sex, nudity and sex references. Mrs. Lea Running minutes 87 . Lance Percival=Lionel Sorry for the inconvinience it may cause. In a typical British holiday camp during summer the employees are bored to hell. Birthdate: 8 October 1928, Heath End, Farnham, Surrey, England, UK

Played by: We do not provide paid / free Confessions from a Holiday Camp Movie downloads. Birthdate: Birthdate: David Auker=Alberto Smarmi

November 13, 1968 in Ashford, Middlesex, England, UK [UK Theatrical] Click on the link below to start the download Confessions from a Holiday Camp [ in DVDRip - HDRip - full DVD/HD ] Confessions From a Holiday Camp, the fourth and final film to star Robin Askwith as working class lothario Timmy Lea, fails spectacularly as a comedy, the unsophisticated script resorting to embarrassing racist remarks, crass homophobic jokes, and childish slapstick in a desperate attempt to illicit giggles from its audience.

Colin Crompton=Roughage Birthdate:

; Confessions from a Holiday Camp Movie Review are added by registered customers. Janet Edis=Kevin's Mum Premium users remains with the highest video quality available. Played by:

Nicola Blackman=Blackbird We recommend you to buy movies of original DVD & VCD.

Anthony Booth=Sidney Noggett

Played by: Birthdate:



Approx. Played by: Announcer Played by: Deborah Brayshaw=Go Cart Girl Birthdate:

Reen Penny Meredith=Married Woman John Junkin=Mr.

The Funniest Take Off Of the Season! Mike Savage=Kevin's Dad Birthdate: resolved soon. Subscribe to #1 Movies Website mailing list to receive updates on movies, tv-series and news

Birthdate: Cut All known versions of this work passed uncut. Sidney Noggett

We hope to have this

We do not sell pirated Confessions from a Holiday Camp DVDs & VCDs. Doris Hare=Mrs.

Bill Maynard=Mr. Year : 1977.

Mourner Glad

Birthdate: Blackbird

Nicholas Bond-Owen=Kevin (as Nicholas Owen) CONFESSIONS FROM A HOLIDAY CAMP (1977).

Linda Hayden=Brigitte Actors : Robin Askwith=Timmy Lea By Movies 68 at 15-10-2016 Download: Confessions of A Window Cleaner ... Download: Confessions Of A Driving Instructor (1976) Trailer + Bonus! Played by:

Disclaimer. Whitemonk

Confessions from a Holiday Camp 1977 watch full movie in HD online on #1 Movies Totally Free No Registration High-Quality Soundtracks and Reviews This issue doesn't affect premium users.

November 9, 1954 in Chadwell Heath, Romford, Essex, England, UK 12 October 1950, Southport, Lancashire, England, UK Type Feature. Rosie Noggett Date: 1977 Director: Norman Cohen Production Company: ... Tony confirms that this is the Sunshine Holiday Camp on Hayling Island, he recognised it when the film was released as he had stayed there during the previous year.