When you are running your business, it is essential to keep your goods and services safe. Using the Free Construction Project Report Forms in PDF format can make things easier and simple.

Confirm if a delay is caused by contractors or other reasons and name who you have spoken with to address the delay. Identify common construction safety hazards (i.e.

Construction Safety Violation Forms are forms needed to make sure that none of the employees or construction workers violate the safety regulations. Sample Safety Report Templates. Construction Safety Inspection Checklist Forms are forms used to inspect the different kinds of safety regulations and making sure they’re upheld within the construction site. This construction daily report template focuses on identifying the causes of delay. Safety is the number one priority of every construction site. The necessary reporting fields include:Outside of these details, the report will cover any new or observed findings:Obviously the more detail provided in the site activity table the better, with detailed descriptions and detailed photos providing a heap of value for other parties who did not do the walkaround, as well as context for looking back at the records later on down the road.The site report serves as an important project document which helps companies and workers understand:It also serves to help inform multiple stakeholders of progress. His aim is to bring awareness to a brighter future for the heavy industries where people and companies work smarter.This website uses cookies to improve your experience. That’s why it's the contractor's focus to keep everyone safe while they are on-site. Print, send or download your site visit reports in PDF or CSV formats with your company logo These are for checking if the site is using the right equipment and if it’s following basic safety regulations. Safety checklists for construction typically contain a few standard questions but are Users of Raken can use their daily survey feature to create a custom safety checklist that fits their needs. Construction Inspection Report Forms are used during the inspection of the construction site. Digitise & streamline your standard operating proceduresA site observation report is the report which documents the general and detailed observations a worker or inspector makes on site - on a particular day and at a particular time.The 'reporting' part of the report is obviously the first step, with the point of reporting being that the findings will be made actionable, either by the observing party or other workers and teams.The observing part of the observation is done by a human; either an inspector or select employee, while the reporting part is conduced with a site observation report template - which can be created with efficient commercial management software, word, excel or other paper and doc builders.Depending on the level of detail and purpose of the observation, the person conducting the report may document more or less findings.

A site observation report may be shared with subcontractors and contractors scheduled for work to help them understand what's happening, and will certainly be shared internally to keep functions and teams on the same page.While site diaries and daily progress report forms help keep commercial and production teams in the loop on progress, deliveries and other work related items, they don't typically look at the project holistically (from a birds eye view).Together, these forms and practices create an accurate view of what's happening and help companies and people mitigate mistakes and make more informed decisions - which results in better outcomes overall.The quality of your observation efforts and reports are also extremely important. Then, you can check out Sample Safety Report Examples available online. You can read more and make your cookie choices If you are preparing the report for yourself, you can take care of … It utilizes visuals to give you a snapshot of everything you need to know, while also providing the granularity you need to make improvements on your site. Proportion of the site that was audited (please circle) 0-25 % 26-50 % 51-75 % 76-100 % Notes on any significant details (eg the nature of the work activity being audited) Site details Site name Site Manager’s name Principal Contractor Phase of work (please circle all that apply, primary and sub categories) Demolition/strip out These reports are the reports which which are sent to important project parties, and they should be created, completed and formatted to represent this fact.Poorly structured and fuzzy reports create misunderstanding, unnecessary back and forth and can create wasted time and resentment between parties.Projects get delayed and end up over budget because people don't have the information they need to make informed decisions. A construction safety report allows you see the trends of your project and get a high-level view of issues on your site. If your daily reporting processes and records are strong, the inspector may be looking for outlying details.