Published Simply reserve online and pay at the counter when you collect. I devoured the book in literally a day.

*Thank you to NetGalley and Hachette Childrens for sending me a digital ARC for review**Thank you to NetGalley and Hachette Childrens for sending me a digital ARC for review*The world is a bit too classic for my taste - maybe because I was expecting a fantasy novel.

A pickpocket with an exceptional gift. Myths and mayhem, the fantastical and the scientifically plausible, these are readers’ most popular sci-fi and fantasy novels published in the ...An intriguing story about magic, race, and family in Elizabethan era London. Understanding Akala, then it makes logical sense that he would choose to write a book set in the Elizabethan era and explore his love for Shakespeare.

by Hodder Children's Books Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.

Passionate and uncompromising; despite the destruction, there is the promise of hope at the end of this book, as well as an ensuing mystery with regards to the dark lady...I can’t wait to see what follows! The protagonist Henry fits well into the context of the narrative but his poor choices and little consequences felt unrealistic. Personally, I thought this was pretty good but I review this in a professional capacity and as such must keep that in mind):[in this novel are scenes of animal abuse and racism I received a free arc of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.I received a free arc of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.Thanks to NetGalley and The Publisher for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.Thanks to NetGalley and The Publisher for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.Lyrical, potent, magical, mysterious, and at times haunting. I am a massive Akala fan and recently finished Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of the Empire, so I was geeked to see the email that popped up with mentions of this book. On the surface, this book seemed to offer everything I like: Shakespeare, pickpockets, references to Moll Cutpurse, and Elizabethan London. A natural storyteller with a vision of his own, The Dark Lady, Akala's debut novel for teens will enthuse and entertain teenagers and young adults, showing that reading is a true super-power. His other step-mother, Agnes, is also able to actively curse people.

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Please enter your email address below and we'll send you a link to reset your password.Please enter your email address below and we'll send you a link to reset your password. The title refers to the mysterious 'Dark Lady' referenced in Shakespeare sonnets and a few of his plays (I think Rosalind in Love's Labour's Lost, for example). Akala brings to life a world through the eyes of a poor black boy with exceptional gifts, gifts that would shape his future and mark his worth to London’s aristocracy, while also painting a target on his back. His adoptive mother figure, Joan, also seems to have the ability to perform actual magic, including 'chi bIt took me a little while to get to grips with the Elizabethan slang, which I felt was a rather fun and authentic touch once you settled into it. A refreshingly unique blend of fantasy and history. Set in Shakespearian London, ‘The Dark Lady’ will appeal to anyone who loves to be swept away by powerful words and stunning story telling. Set in Shakespearian London, ‘The Dark Lady’ will appeal to anyone who loves to be swept away by powerful words and stunning story telling.

March 7th 2019

The only real issue I had was, unfortunately, with the magic - Henry has the ability to translate any language written on paper, a feat that - as far as the many European characters are concerned - is something wholly unique and unheard of before.

‘The Dark Lady’ is a novel for children that features an intriguing blend of historical adventure and fantasy. A prisoner of extraordinary value. Following the initial email, you will be contacted by the shop to confirm that your item is available for collection.Unfortunately there has been a problem with your orderPlease try again or alternatively you can contact your chosen shop on If this item isn't available to be reserved nearby, Please provide me with your latest book news, views and details of Waterstones’ special offers. Akala’s message about society, race and identity is so important and will identify with a lot of teenagers (even with a magical realist-Renaissance London backdrop)- and should be revered and praised for its heart and tenacity.