Nothing worthwhile is easy. . He should also be committed to his family, and his friends. Above all, a man willed himself to be expendable. He will spend time with you. In some ways, TR and Churchill have more in common with Homer and Shakespeare than they do with us.” –Waller Newell“Contemporaries appreciate the man rather than the merit; but posterity will regard the merit rather than the man.” –Charles Caleb Colton“It is not what he has, or even what he does which expresses the worth of a man, but what he is“Relieved of moral pretense and stripped of folk costumes, the raw masculinity that all men know in their gut has to do with being good at being a man within a small, embattled gang of men struggling to survive.” –Jack Donovan“Who — only let him be a man and intent upon honor — is not eager for the honorable ordeal and prompt to assume perilous duties? A good man will be confident in himself and who he is. A frail child of dust! That is simply and unfair thing to ask of anyone. Your support of our work is inspiring and invaluable. He will be sensitive to your needs 4. It comes at a cost of wildness, of risk, of strife. In form and moving, how express and admirable! I should not like to be merely a doctor, a great lawyer, a great minister, a great politician. See more ideas about Quotes, Life quotes, Inspirational quotes. A God!” –Edward Young“This is the test of your manhood: How much is there left in you after you have lost everything outside of yourself?” –Orison Swett Marden“For the man who makes everything that leads to happiness, or near to it, to depend upon himself, and not upon other men . Explore 142 Good Man Quotes by authors including Abraham Lincoln, Plato, and Marcus Aurelius at BrainyQuote. Ladies, this is a good man 1. Midway from nothing to the Deity! He had never wished for anything else but to be a man, live in a manly way, die a manly death. Count what is “We do not admire the man of timid peace. It comes at a cost of honor. Some try to make manhood mean everything. We all feel this way, especially when little devils come too early. It comes at a cost of strength, of courage, of mastery. Helpless immortal! What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. An heir of glory! That quality will do anything that can be done in this world, and no talents, no circumstances, no opportunities, will make a two-legged creature a man without it.” –Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton“We don’t need to reinvent manliness. But that`s life, and we—men and women—should learn how to cope with it and embrace that new part of ourselves that is both joyful and difficult.Marwan Jamal is a soccer-playing, food-loving, joke-cracking New York-based wellness writer.Join The Good Men Project conversation and get updates by email.Join The Good Men Project conversation and get updates by email.Join The Good Men Project conversation and get updates by email.He and a few other trainers get invited to a mysterious island that holds a big secretWhat’s in a name? Distinguished link in being’s endless chain! This doesn’t mean that he is committed to every girl he dates. Lewis“There is a difference between being a good man and being good at being a man.” –Jack Donovan“History is strewn with the wrecks of nations which have gained a little progressiveness at the cost of a great deal of hard manliness, and have thus prepared themselves for destruction as soon as the movements of the world have a chance for it.” –Walter Bagehot“It is very sad for a man to make himself servant to a single thing; his manhood all taken out of him by the hydraulic pressure of excessive business. Real women will always be relieved and grateful when men are willing to be men.” –Elisabeth Elliott“A man should be able to hear, and to bear, the worst that could be said of him.” –Saul Bellow“The chief constituents of what we call manhood, are moral rather than intellectual.” –J. Insect infinite! Update: Below are additions from the comments. We hope you enjoy the quotes and perhaps find a few that will illuminate the meaning of manliness and encourage you to embody it.“To have done no man a wrong .