The My Loops search bar is a powerful tool for quickly finding any loop by searching anything contained within all of your loops. By adopting an end-to-end transaction platform, brokerages have the potential for huge gains in productivity and compliance today.

If this is not the correct loop, continue to the next step.If you have selected the wrong loop from the results, dotloop will remember your search results, allowing you to quickly go back. If no desired results are returned in the search dropdown or on the loops page, you can click the Once you have found the loop you are looking for, click on the name of the loop to open it. dotloop provides an online platform to empower real estate professionals to get deals done. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. How to DotLoop on KW. These features allow you to conveniently keep track of every notification and action that you might receive, such as getting a new message or getting a document signed.On your dotloop account you have the ability to change which loops are displayed. Option 1: Grid View On your main loops page under the icons in the top right corner, there is a In the filter drop down menu, you will notice three columns by which you can filter your loops: After making any changes to your filters, always make sure to click the big Within a loop you have the ability to categorize your transaction based on the current status of your transaction.

This allows you to seamlessly search through loops without having to type your search terms every time. Changing filters can allow you to choose the transactions that have a particular review stage, loop status, or tag(s) that may have been added by your admin. This option is available to our Business+ and Teams customers within their admin profile. If this is not the correct loop, continue to the next step.If you have selected the wrong loop from the results, dotloop will remember your search results, allowing you to quickly go back. Under the proper loop setup, the status is actually used to make your loop searchable for other dotloop users to submit offers directly to your loop (link to Autofill - linking to a listing article). The If you are currently in your loop, you can click the Select transaction type option to open a dropdown menu.. You have the ability to organize your loops according to what status the transaction is in, which we recommend for most agents. Loop statuses display which stage of the transaction you are currently on and how your filters decide which loops to display.There are a few options to choose from for each loop. Nick Libert, one of Chicago’s top producing real estate agents uses dotloop to delight clients and focus time and resources to close more deals. Click either your browser’s back button or the Back to My Loops link at the top of the loop. Scroll through this list to find the appropriate loop. If you have no new notifications, this flag will be blue (or the color your company has set for your profile), but if you have unread notifications, this flag will be red. Navigate to Loops and follow these steps at any time to adjust your filters. Creating a Listing Loop (Dotloop) - Duration: 10:13. H. looper Click either your browser’s back button or the Customizing your logo will replace the dotloop logo at the top left of your loops page and replace it with a logo of your own for you, and your agents! Find out why we are the top choice for industry leading brands. H. looper Learn how to import your previous loops from Dotloop in to your Command platform for use under the Opportunities section with Scott Le Roy of Scott Le Roy Marketing. Dotloop provides real estate brokers, teams, agents and customers with a fully integrated transaction management platform that eliminates paperwork, enables seamless collaboration, and increases productivity and compliance. use this option for non-real estate loops. Under the name of the loop, you will see first the transaction type, then the loop status. You can change the way your loops are displayed visually by clicking the blue icon with three white lines in the next to On your main loops page, you will also notice a flag that indicates any new notifications on your account.

Use loop views to customize how loops are displayed on the My Loops page. use this option if you are a listing agent or landlord creating a listing to lease. H. looper Below are the choices available for every transaction type. Keller Williams Capital District 3,488 views. The transaction type tells the loop how to react and will set the loop to function by providing the proper roles and loop details for people in the loop. Using these features will help you better organize and manage all of your transactions. TEDx Talks Recommended for you DOWNLOAD. Utilizing all of the features dotloop has to offer is fundamental in staying on top of all of your transactions and deals.