"Van Best was also allegedly an abusive father, eventually abandoning his one-month-old in Louisiana. On August 1, 2014, three months after the publication of Gary Stewart’s book, I posted a review of In his email, Stewart proudly declared, “I’ve solved the case,” despite the fact that this claim has already been debunked. In the days and weeks that followed, they were sent more letters from Zodiac. Apparently, Stewart never noticed that article and, instead, focused on the publication date of the new updated posting of the original blog entry which was dated November 2015. The fingerprint evidence did not link Earl Van Best to the murder of Paul Stine.”Without the fingerprint and handwriting matches, Gary Stewart had virtually nothing to link his father to the Zodiac crimes or the Zodiac letters. Bates was stabbed to death after leaving the library one night. Since the publication of his book, Gary Stewart has made the rounds with various media, including People magazine, radio interviews and television appearances.

The Zodiac Killer took on a mythic status not so much because of his crimes but because of his words: He sent bragging, cryptic letters (and sometimes cryptograms) to the media.Over the years, countless suspects have been investigated, but police never got close to an arrest. This fact demonstrates that Wakshull’s conclusions cannot be considered valid or credible. Many believe that man was Zodiac himself.San Francisco homicide inspectors David Toschi, left, and Bill Armstrong were assigned to the case. "The teens and police worked with a sketch artist to create the famed composite sketch of Z seen here.Riverside police dismiss any links between Bates' death and the Zodiac Killer. My article debunking Stewart’s book was first post in August 2014, just three months after the publication of Stewart’s book. To date, no one has presented any credible evidence to implicate Earl Van Best, Jr. in the Zodiac crimes, and that statement is based on the known facts, logic, common sense, and reality.Critical thinking skills are crucial when assessing the value and validity of claims made by Gary Stewart and others. In his own book, Wakshull stated, very clearly, that he had only four examples of Best’s handwriting, the samples described by Wakshull. Stewart and Mustafa had no reason to believe that experienced police officers had somehow reversed the fingerprint. Like most people who are peddling false claims to have solved the Zodiac mystery, Gary Stewart blames everyone else for his failure to convince the world. * Best was an immoral person who may have committed crimes.This list was not conclusive or compelling.

Stewart routinely claims that he has solved the case, yet he has consistently failed to provide any credible evidence to substantiate these claims. Armed with a 9 mm pistol, both were shot as they sat in the car. This conclusion was largely based on a “line” which is visible on the SFPD fingerprint card. He repeatedly boasts that he has made a lot of money and that he has gotten a lot of attention, indicating his true motives behind the accusations against his father. It ran during news coverage of his "child bride" scandal, dubbed the "Ice Cream Romance" by the press.This is a 1969 police sketch of the 'Zodiac Killer. Some 10 minutes later, the car returned and parked behind them. Detective Toschi said in 2010 that despite intensive investigation, their leads on Allen "turned out to be negative. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Zodiac didn't give his real name, but the note was suitably creepy. Ferrin died, but Mageau, badly wounded, survived.On Aug. 1, 1969, newspapers began to receive the first of Zodiac's famous letters. Stewart claimed that his father’s fingerprints matched a fingerprint found at the scene of a Zodiac murder. Allen was ruled out. There will be more." A San Francisco Chronicle photo of Earl Van Best Jr. Two weeks later, Zodiac killed his final confirmed victim: San Francisco cab driver Paul Stine. He died in 1992.And so the mystery endures, endlessly fascinating amateur investigators and the public alike. A strange poem, similar to Zodiac's oeuvre, was also found scrawled on a desk in the library.The best-known Zodiac suspect was Arthur Leigh Allen, who police investigated heavily at the time.