So far we've received great reactions about the name, everyone loves it! If nature x2 is what you're after, some names that would be lovely with this middle name are Laurel, Willow, Lilac, Auburn, Indigo, Ainsley, or (especially appropriate, as this is a type of mountain goat) Yaelle. It is also the name of a colorful, mythical bird that is known to burn in his own pyre and then again be born from the ashes. The rising day and the ambience it creates is spectacular, making it perfectly earthy baby girl’s name.The name is taken from a type of bird which particularly symbolizes peace. My first son is named Ochre, what would you suggest as a similar, earthy name for our second son?Perhaps the name Clay, or maybe Ash/Ashe would be complimentary to your first son's name.Looking for great tree names for boys, my husband's name is Rowan and I've already got 2 sons named Aspen and Linden, so I'm running out of tree names, do you have any suggestions?My top choice would be Cedar! Liked and Blessed.My favorites are Willow and Violet. It is also a symbol of peace, as referred many times in Greek mythology and classics, with a representative olive branch symbolizing a peace treaty.It is taken from the Middle English Personal name as Almund that has its origin in Old English. Cherry blossoms are beautiful and much celebrated in Autumn.It is derived from the English flower named Bluebell and it is a popular baby name for girls.

Sorry, but that's the truth.My real life name is Sky Blu…so yeah…not a common name…I got a lot of comments on itGreat list! I'm from Slovenia (beautiful country in Europe which gets confused with Slovakia a lot) and we have this vine that's called Teran - it's almost black and sort of thick - reminds me of the land it came from. If your baby girl has lustrous black hair and eyes, it can be the perfect name to reflect her beauty.It is a baby girl’s given name meaning “hazel” that is taken from the name of the tree or the color. This makes me happy, because I love posts like this. Earthy names term is used to define the baby names that are found in the world around us. Taking cue from the general trend of earth friendly measures and movements across the world, the names are also being influenced by earthy, organic, green, and eco-friendly themes. It is a birthstone for October that makes it popular for October born babies. Best of luck!Can you think of any baby names that have to do with berries?Huckleberry is the best one, I think. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for professional health services. It's a lovely pick and would go well with most middle names, including non-nature names if you don't want to double up on the nature theme.Apart from Luna or Stella, what other names means "darkness" or "moon" or "stars"?You've probably already thought of this, but Estelle is a less popular version of Stella that is just as pretty. The origin of thee name lies in English and French. After that, Alder, Spruce or even Lennox (meaning: elm grove, or living near an elm grove) would be nice picks.What is a good name for our second daughter? Delja (del-ya) is pretty and means "daughter of the sea." Pearls are often used in making precious jewels. 12. The origin of the word is from the Old English hæsel. I'm not a fan of really super unique names because the kid has to live with it, but there are some really nice nature ones that aren't too out there. Hence, the meaning of the complete name is youth producing, or evergreen.In English Laurel is a baby girl’s given name. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners.
But, of course, they're my favorite because those are my 9-year-old twin daughters' names. In Greek the meaning of the name Basil is related to being royal or kingly.