It causes automatic tripping of the circuit when fault occurs. This flashover causes insulators to lose their insulting capacity due to high voltages.• Danger to operating personnel: Fault occurrence can also cause shocks to individuals.

Fault occurrence raises the current which energizes relay coil, resulting in the contacts to operate so the circuit is interrupted from flowing of current. These are very severe faults and occur infrequently in the power systems.

Some of these fault limiting devices include fuses, circuit breakers, relays, etc. The various effect of faults in the power system are, The fault set up very heavy fault current which is very large in magnitude.

Surges are common and last for a microsecond but if you experience frequent surges lead to equipment damage that degrade life expectancy particularly. The faults can also lead to the death of humans, birds and animals along with equipment failure and electric power supply interruption.

It consists of magnetic coil and normally open and closed contacts.

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Effects of the Stacking Faults on the Electrical Resistance of Highly Ordered Graphite Bulk Samples Andreas Hentrich and Pablo D. Esquinazi * Division of Superconductivity and Magnetism, Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State Physics, Linnéstrasse 5, University of Leipzig, 04103 Leipzig, Germany; © 2016-2020 Sometimes heavy fire causes complete burnout of the equipments.• Disturbs interconnected active circuits: Faults not only affect the location at which they occur but also disturbs the active interconnected circuits to the faulted line.• Electrical fires: Short circuit causes flashovers and sparks due to the ionization of air between two conducting paths which further leads to fire as we often observe in news such as building and shopping complex fires. Danger to operating personnel: Fault occurrence can also cause shocks to individuals. The chances of such electrical problems in old homes were quite high because the circuits fitted during older days. In other words, the fault is the abnormal condition of the electrical system which damages the electrical equipment and disturbs the normal flow of the electric current.

Consequently, a defect can induce high losses in terms of cost and can be dangerous in terms of security and safety. Frequent electrical surges Electrical surges can be caused by anything from lightning […]

Type of fuse depends on the voltage at which it is to operate.

The heavy currents due to short circuit cause excessive heating which may result in fire or explosion. The short circuit may have any of the following consequences: 1. This results in a very high current being drawn from the supply, causing tripping of relays, damaging insulation and components of the equipments.

A high amount of fault current produces heat which causes the overheating and mechanical stress in the conductors.