Daily Pokkhokal editor Kajol went missing on March 10 following a case filed against him under the Digital Security Act.

It was the letter that set me free from the pain of losing you.

Move with them, embrace them and you will always find your steps firm and your path made exceedingly clear.With you, each new day creates an opportunity to reflect not on "the what if's "of yesterday, but to embrace and cherish the moment of today; to relish in the hope that tomorrow a brighter day may bring. We long to grow old with you in our lives, filling us with joy as we watch your dreams come true.My wish for you today is to remember where you came from and the values you were taught. I hope you will knock on the door right now before I write the last sentence and before I finish writing this letter.Copyright Ⓒ 2012-2019. It is the letters through which we can share all our feelings.

You’ve brought joy to us in so many ways.

Whether we live together or apart, our hearts and our prayers go with you each and every day. You have unfortunately experienced with this love both heartbreak and the sorrow of loss. I have always known in my heart that you and mother deserved a better son. Second chances too will come your way, but it's best to seize this time, this place, this second and do what's right today.In you is the future.

Sample Apology Letter to Dad from Daughter/ Son. By DJ Wilson, Contributor. Hello, son. All rights reserved. She has a lot to tell you. There were time when you feel like I put my work ahead of you, but I want you to know that I did this to be a good provider for the family.

Will this letter even reach you? Daily Pokkhokal editor Kajol went missing on March 10 following a case filed against him under the Digital Security ActMonorom Polok, son of journalist Shafiqul Islam Kajol, has written a letter addressing his missing father, hoping for his safe return.Kajol, a photographer and editor of Daily Pokkhokal, went missing on March 10.

In you there is hope.

As you age, wisdom will follow and you'll come to understand that true lasting happiness begins and ends within.You have been taught from where your strength comes, where forgiveness begins and where joy abounds. If anyone’s parent is taken away from them, they will definitely do whatever they can to find their parents. I don’t think they will consider your mental condition. We are eagerly awaiting your safe return.

He can fight with the whole world for just a smile of his child. I want my father back among us at any cost.I am waiting for you. All the years come suddenly to this moment and I am proud, I am thankful, I am emotional, I am nostalgic. Now you are not here and I am searching for our family’s protector like a ship without a rudder.I am the last person to fall asleep in our house and when I am awake alone at night, I always hope that you are going to return to us at any moment.

©2020 Verizon Media. This road of life you are now on has been filled with many twists and turns.

Stopping the world to get off when things don't go your way is not a luxury you will ever be privy too.

I hope you’re an old man now. She now sleeps beside mother. Nobody can stop me until you return to us safe and sound. I hope you will come back before long.

When is Kajol coming back? You know, this letter was the easiest to write, and the first I wrote. Cancer is a harsh, cold killer.

I become anxious when I hear footsteps outside at night. The ebbs and flows of life remain in constant flux.

All rights reserved.In you is the future.

I can feel that you are alone and unwell. I will never stop. This is a story about the death of a young boy’s father and how the father’s letters helped him live through 85 years of his life.

Right away, I knew the letter was from a child.

©2020 Verizon Media. You have been blessed to experience firsthand the world, its people, its values, its successes and its failures.You have been blessed with the fondest of memories that warm your heart and soul, memories that reflect the happiest of times through the carefree eyes of a child. I hear someone’s voice and think you have come back.The current state of the country is unprecedented.

I don’t know if my father and mother are the greatest parents in the world, but I know you two are the greatest parents I could ever have. by Dianna Flett | May 21, 2018. I cannot ever say that I have done enough as a son until you get back to us again. Facebook Pin Tweet Email Print. You are our child.

Published Author, Blogger, Writer of Stories from the Heart.