Rune of Infraction Rune of Rathe

1 Port Spells. While melee toons can easily boost their dps by equipping an improved ratio weapon or a worn haste item, wizards cannot boost their spell damage. Buffs help.

Wizards, along with Enchanters, are a class that are virtually a requirement for point blank area of effect groups (PBAoE). But without Generally speaking, your Shock line of cold and fire based spells will provide the best single target damage to mana ratios and will be a Wizard’s staple while solo or in a group for many levels. Following There is really no choice with wizards. Note that an Erudite can start with 127 INT, 75 AGI, 75 STR and effectively start with Human-like rounded stats, yet achieve a much higher starting INT than is possible as a Human (which is 110). In the Kunark/Velious era PBAoE is probably the fastest way that any group of players can level. Twinks can virtually ignore stats altogether, if given enough starting gear. Keep a root memorized, you might find yourself sitting and trying to recover enough mana to finish off a mob that just kept resisting. Ultimately, however, a wizard's effectiveness is determined by total mana (for maximum burst damage and useful for quadding) and mana regen rate (for long-term sustained dps). The Wizard's job is painfully simple; chain cast the Jyll's spells when the tank is finished pulling until out of mana, cast Harvest if necessary, and chain cast again until out of mana. I started playing Everquest a couple of months before Kunark, and I sported a decently horrific /played time, all under the single class of Wizard and no other. Additionally, you can use these to kill large numbers of weak mobs, for example a bunch of level 20 mobs. It’s slow, there aren't much turn-in quests that are easy any more. Post level 51, there are many situations where these spells become valuable, albeit situational. If you have root up and the target can be rooted, then try to root it and if successful, back off slowly. If all goes well, the tank in the group and possibly even the Cleric will finish off stragglers before the Enchanters run out of mana chain casting their stuns. Knights. To pull this off, you need to be able to kill all of those snared mobs before the snare wears off. There are a few exceptions at various levels in the 30s and 40s; that is, mobs that are relatively weak and con blue making it worth while to Quad-Kite. So you get your group port spells at 29. Play Wizard if you value burst damage and prefer to solo and/or raid. (ENERGY STORM) Your best bets are to get in indoor groups where there is a good experience bonus when ever possible. The damage to mana ratios for these spells improves dramatically in the higher levels. Jump to: navigation, search. Rune of the Catalyst These are to be avoided in the early levels as the damage to mana ratios make them worthless (there was a time in EQ live where Icestrike was the single best mana to damage ratio spell in the game, but this is not the case in Project 99). Rune of Al'Kabor You might have to explain this if you run into someone that is fond of pulling mobs right into your melee range. You get Remember that you are NOT a rogue. Without snare you will find kiting to be mostly impossible. Try timing your nukes to take a mob from 50% to fleeing instead of 90% to fleeing. Wizards are the most single-minded of spell casters, with the majority of their spells dedicated to delivering massive amounts of damage as rapidly as possible. Where it gets tricky is finding places where this is possible without getting adds, having SoW, and having enough mana to accomplish the feat. Intelligence is 95% of what makes a Wizard possible and as far as play-ability goes, it is virtually the only stat that matters when in a group of any kind. Project 1999 is a free to play Classic Everquest Server, unaffiliated with Daybreak Game Company but operating under legal permission.Our goal is to restore the magic and difficulty of the original Everquest game, including the mechanics, interface, and challenges of Original Content, Kunark, and Velious. If you find that you are getting aggro all of the time, don't blame the tank; start nuking less, even if you have to resort to using lower level spells. The disadvantage to doing this is that some items and some quests can only be done by followers of certain religions. To aid in their constant search for power, wizard have also perfected the art of teleportation - allowing them to instantly transport themselves and their allies to the most remote corners of Norrath and beyond. Left-over points (regardless of race) can be spent to round out the stats. You can perfect your skills by practicing on low level mobs without much risk, but keep in mind that higher level mobs will resist, and the resists can really complicate the situation.

However, when things start to go wrong, a rogue does not have any buttons to save the day - you do. Cleric Spells. Many of these produce little or no damage, but if timed correctly, you can stop casters and help out tanks that are falling too quickly in HP. Root + nuke will fail quite a bit due to root breaking early.