The malicious messages have links, when clicked, will download and infect the victims’ computers or devices with a virus, spyware or some other malware. I get suggestions of people I am not friends with.One thing that is not mentioned is how do I tag a page, when none of the proposed options is right — even when I put exactly the @name of the page? They also advise online users to follow the basic cyber-safety practices:Note: Some of the names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers or other information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.Check the comment section below for additional information and share what you know or ask a question about this article by leaving a comment below.Remember to forward suspicious, malicious, or phishing email messages to us at the following email address: No (0) Facebook users are advised to delete message notifications that appear to have been sent by friends, claiming to have mentioned them in a comment on Facebook. The initial set of recommended businesses will be based on your location and past check in history. Specifically, I want to tag @inpud, but all stupid Facebook is giving me in the list of suggestions are frigging inputs! Is there a way to remove my page tag? But what if that happens to you?

Do you know how this works? NB: We will use your IP address to display your approximate location to other users.Your comment, question, answer, or review will be posted as an anonymous user because you are not signed in. Using the @ symbol changes nothing and therefore is not needed here.As you select one or more friends, their names will appear as “— with [Their Name]” and of course their name is linked to their profile.The second method is if you’re sharing an image, mouse over the image and click on the Tag button. When I try to just type their name in the comment, it doesn’t turn blue either. Frustrating….I cant even send a birthday wish!Not sure if it is just specific to my phone… but I was trying to do a post where you copy and paste a link and autofill the mentions. Tell us why you consider the websites untrustworthy or fraudulent. (In the interest of keeping FB posts shorter. A few of theirs but not many. Press Control + F (PC) or command + F (Mac). Keep your comment respectful or it will not be posted.Lottery - Donation - Inheritance Scams - Ponzi SchemesFacebook "Mentioned You in a Comment" Malicious Message NotificationsThis site uses cookies to offer you a complete experience. They refuse.I have a business in a district and I created a page for the district on Facebook. Disable Facebook Mention on PC. ThanksHow do I edit my “mention” suggested names when typing someone’s name? your friend mentioned or tagged you in a facebook comment Click on the notification and you will be there in the post where you have been tagged in a Facebook comment. I’m curious if perhaps the algorithms work in a way that the person who is tagging – the post shows up more on their friends feeds than the person who they tag. JavaScript is turned off or disabled, which will prevent some features from working. I got to the 6th colon : and it wouldn’t allow me to mention any more of my friends. How to allow the same .plz help . This is because the message notifications are fakes and are malicious. Any ideas?Excellent explanation – just what I needed. You cannot mention Facebook profiles using scheduling tools.Whether you choose to share those posts immediately or schedule them, the appropriate Page will be mentioned accordingly.PRO TIP: If the Page auto-suggest doesn’t pull up the Page you want, use their Page user ID instead of Page name. Click the World icon for Notifications. The Facebook user that you mention will get a notification and their name in your comment will be linked to their profile.If you forget to mention a Facebook user or Page in a post, that’s OK, you can still edit that post and include the mention. I have asked this individual to erase the comment with my name in it. Facebook users are advised to delete message notifications that appear to have been sent by friends, claiming to have mentioned them in a comment on Facebook.