He lives outside of Farmville, Virginia with his family.Copyright BearingArms.com/Salem Media. In the unlikely event that a person would answer, the applicant is usually told only that his or her case is under review.A few of the named plaintiffs who’ve joined SAF and ISRA in their litigation say they first applied for their FOID cards back in March, but have yet to hear anything back from the state of Illinois , even though the state claims that the average wait time for a FOID card application to be processed is currently 51 days. No way am I letting someone take away my 2A when I dont have any felonies.I just applied for a FOiD card since moving to Illinois in January will get a refund.A refund in ILL in OIZ, you are new to this disaster of a state!Does this still need to go to a committee before it is voted on?

Senate Bill 2535 would repeal the Firearm Owners Identification Act, which supporters of the bill say is outdated and redundant.“The reality is, the requirement of FOID cards was a bureaucratic push to make it harder for Illinois residents to exercise their Second Amendment rights,” said state Sen. Jason Plummer, R-Edwardsville. But I have applied for my renewal back in October 2019 from a letter I received from the Illinois State Police October 2,2019 informing me that my FOID card will expire January 1, 2020. Personal experienceSteve I agree with you….

The Illinois State Police have released emergency rules regarding the expiration of FOID cards and Concealed Carry Licenses. Those who buy a firearm would still need to undergo strict federal background checks at the time of purchase.On Jan. 5, it was announced that $50 million in funding is being released for the first round of matching grants of Illinois’ $420 million statewide broadband expansion.

For example In October 2019 I updated my address on my FOID before doing so on my driver’s license knowing that it already takes twice as long. The General Assembly is controlled by Democrats and the state would lose a funding source. Illinois law requires that a FOID card be granted within 30 days, but ISP said right now they are averaging 51 days. ?? Charged of felony still pending 7days is god awful please all who can sue and advocate. But their throwing out the foid card?In my opinion, having to pay any fee to exercise a United States Constitutional Right is equivalent to having to pay a poll tax to vote.7days still not approved for my shotgun purchase active foid. Illinois State Police release emergency rules for FOID card holders 4/11/2020 Earlier this week, the Illinois State Police issued new emergency rules to help firearm owners with expired Firearm Owner Identification (FOID) cards.

I can’t renew my IROC without it.What about the CCL. But you are not qualified to purchase a firearm due to Federal requirements. and paid the $11.00 fee. Following the rule change, we will be accepting expired FOID Cards for …

In Illinois, a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) Card is mandatory for any Illinois resident who wants to own a firearm, taser or stun gun. “But ISP has been dragging its feet, leaving applicants in limbo for months.

Any help Card address needed changed. “We should be seeking ways to prevent criminals from accessing firearms, not adding to the red tape, costs and hurdles placed on law-abiding gun owners.”The FOID Act was created in 1968 as a way to identify people who were eligible to own firearms as part of a public-safety initiative in Illinois to meet the requirements of the federal Gun Control Act of 1968. There is NO way this will go anywhere.I’m not sure what is going on with the FOID State Police dept.