Start working with the reports used by the world’s major financial institutions, multinational enterprises & government agencies now. Prospects for new oil and gas production and follow through on tighter fiscal management are likely to help Ghana’s economy … July 27, 2020. 5 years of Ghana economic forecasts for more than 30 economic indicators.Get a sample report showing our regional, country and commodities data and analysis. Tel: +233 234-972-832 or +1-508-812-0505 Contact us: [email protected] The Chamber in a press release signed by its Chief Executive Officer, Kenneth Ashigbey said its members which include AirtelTigo, MTN and Vodafone are good corporate citizens who have an exemplary record of tax compliance as well as delivering on all their tax obligations.The Chamber added that it was also concerned about the repetition of the allegations first made in 2014 by the Minister of Communications, Mrs Ursula Owusu-Ekuful given that its request for the report detailing the alleged tax misconducts has still not been met.The press release is in reaction to a response given by Mrs Owusu-Ekuful when she answered questions on the floor of Parliament, Friday, August 7, 2020.The Minister said the government has made savings of GH¢1.5 billion in under-declared taxes in the telecommunications sector since the implementation of the Common Platform (CP) in 2017.She said: “The introduction of the CP has uncovered that, prior to the introduction of the policy, GH¢470 million in taxes was lost from potential under-declarations between 2015 to the first quarter of 2017”.The Minister also added that “an estimated amount of GH¢300 million in taxes was also saved between the first quarter of 2017 to date as a result of the announcement of the implementation of the CP on March 8, 2017.The Minister also told Parliament that through the deployment of the CP and other fraud management systems, the CP was able to record over 150,000 international calls into the country every month and thereby detecting fraudulent SIMBOXING (bypass fraud) automatically.This, she said, has saved the country of tax fraud of an additional GH¢327.3 million from the activities of SIM Card fraud since the inception of the CP in 2017.The Chamber stressed that the mobile industry is deeply concerned about the continuous recurrence of these claims, and the fact that standard audit principles and practice that characterize our members dealings with regulators continue to be breached.It maintained that best practice "will expect that such findings if indeed were the case will be shared with our members for their response and reconciliation before onward engagement with external parties and the media". They found the most cost-effective solution to be a fertiliser subsidy that would yield benefits over 4 times greater than its cost.Prof. Ghana To Start Assembling Buses For Local Use, Export; Finance Minister Discloses Cost Of Three Months Free Water & Electricity 15:30. The World Bank Group works in every major area of development. News Ghana is Ghana's leading online news portal for business in West Africa and around the World. Ghana’s economy continued to expand in 2019 as the first quarter gross domestic product (GDP) growth was estimated at 6.7%, compared with 5.4% in the same period of last year.

These measures would create nearly 12 cedis worth of benefits to society for every cedi spent.Providing capital grants to selected microenterprises was estimated to generate a benefit 7 times higher than the investment.Multiple teams of researchers also presented new studies on education at different stages of life such as primary school, senior high school and job training. Consumer prices increased 1.7% over the last month in May, coming in below the 3.2% rise logged in April. New research on measures to spur growth across all sectors of the Ghanaian economy was presented by economists in Accra on Saturday, August 8, 2020. At its 22–24 July meeting, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Bank of Ghana (BoG) decided to stand pat and leave the … The better learning outcomes resulting from this would be worth 1.5% of earnings over students’ lives, with every cedi spent generating social benefits worth Ghs 8.The Ghana Priorities conference will resume at 9:00am on Sunday, 9th August at the Kempinski Hotel, Accra, with research presentations on subjects including poverty, nutrition, land records, transport and sanitation.After hearing presentations from 28 teams of economists from Ghana and abroad over the course of three days, an eminent panel including Nobel Prize recipient Finn Kydland and six distinguished national economists will rank all interventions and establish priorities for a prosperous future.

The report recommends the need to better invest Ghana’s current natural resource wealth in non-natural resource sectors for sustainable growth in the medium-to-long-term.The government sustained its fiscal consolidation efforts in 2018 despite shortfalls in revenue. Before independence the government’s role was confined mainly to the provision of such basic utilities as water, electricity, railways, roads, and postal services. In 2017, 54 percent of women had an account with a formal financial institution, compared to 58 percent for the general population and 62 percent of menThe report acknowledges that despite the challenges in building a more financially inclusive economy, there has been a significant growth in the number of financial access points over the past five years.