If I see a dev or a few are active on the Steam forum, it shows they interested in direction of developement of the game. The time-travelling sci-fi plot is engaging and the gameplay mechanics are innovative and interesting enough to keep you gripped to the end. So if you want a safe multiplayer experience you need to host your own game and make sure it is passworded and only accesible to your friends. And the best part about it is that your actions determine the outcome.

Experience the new generation of games and entertainment with Xbox.

2003 - 2020 © Pocket-lint Limited PO Box 4770, Ascot, SL5 5DP. There’s also the excellent new multiplayer mode to provide plenty of fun: Warzone. But it succeeds. Result.Not just one of the best games on the Xbox One, The Witcher 3 can lay claim as being one of the best of all time. A multiplayer open world sandbox, crafting and survival FPS game set in an unknown land where you'll fight to survive. You are always accompanied by three other characters for each mission, whether that’s with Master Chief’s team or a new team of Spartans led by Jameson Locke. Without giving away too many spoilers, the use of the Joker throughout the game is inspired and we think the inclusion of the Batmobile adds variety to missions and the overall gameplay.

It feels very familiar to the others in the series, which is to its benefit as that makes it easy to launch straight into, but there is enough new and improved to sate the appetites of fans and newcomers alike.If you're a fan of action-RPGs and crave some proper Fallout-style action that's distilled to its proper essence – i.e. Where it succeeds is in its sense of humour and simple gameplay mechanics – a trademark of Team 17, also the creator of the Worms series. It can lead to some seriously bonkers battles.While No Man's Sky was criticised a fair amount straight after launch, continual updates and content patches have arrived to turn it into the space exploration game we all originally hoped for. Does this game have a multiplayer server which everyone can join? However, the biggest elements to Quantum Break that make it stand out are the several 20 minute long TV episodes that punctuate the action and further the story.

And don’t worry if you can’t find three friends to play along with, Halo 5 does a very good job with artificial intelligence to give your companions life.

As a result the new Resident Evil 2 is an absolute tour de force - it's nothing less than an object lesson in how to remake an old game.The last part of Lara Croft's origin trilogy is also the best. It might just be the first game to nail the knotty conundrum of providing the tools with which gamers can create their own narratives.Devil May Cry 5 is such an extreme joy to play - and is built on such a logical, focused structure - that you'll find yourself returning to it again and again, whenever you feel the need for a blast of cathartic, cobweb-blowing, spectacularly stylish action.As anyone who has played a Dark Souls game would expect, Dark Souls 3 is huge, gothic, creepy, studded with bosses which, when you first encounter them, seem impossibly daunting, yet irresistibly addictive. For a start, Rockstar added a whole new first-person mode, which enables the player to experience the game from a different perspective, even if completed before.

(Think 7days to Die servers vs the official servers of say Conan) This is a small company and the cost and upkeep would be a bit much for them to do more than one or two "official" servers and that would cause an uprising more than help them grow as there is no way to give all players around the world equal access. The skill tree and role-playing elements are superbly realised and the graphics are simply stunning at times - especially when presented in 4K on an Xbox One X.Monster Hunter: World proves to be gloriously addictive and endlessly charming, offering an open world experience like few others. The Xbox One version of Halo 2 is such an amazing upgrade to the Xbox original that it's almost worth the money on its own.Destiny 2 might have had its critics at launch, but it has improved into a very fine game, with multiple upgrades and campaign add-ons over the years.

Its UK setting works wonderfully for providing great variety in race styles and conditions.