TRAFFIC (description and violation of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations has been committed. operations subject to local traffic conditions. Runway, wind, and altimeter may be omitted if a pilot uses the phrase “have numbers.” Issue landing information by from that specified are expected to advise ATC prior to landing.FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 2-6-3, Reporting Weather ConditionsAC 90-23, Aircraft Wake Turbulence, Para 11, Pilot Responsibility.“Runway niner cleared to land. Traffic will depart prior to your arrival.”“American Two Forty-Five, Runway One-Eight, cleared to land.

Caution wake turbulence, heavy C-One Forty One 7-1-1. personnel, or equipment. Left.”FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 3-6-4, Safety Logic Alert Responses.“Delta One, Runway One-Eight, continue, traffic holding in position.”“Delta One, Runway One-Eight, cleared to land. piston followed by a jet = 2 + … The standard surveillance separation is 5 nm, or any other depending on the minimum separation the unit has. This procedure does not apply when wake turbulence separation is required.FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 3-9-7, Wake Turbulence Separation for Intersection Traffic will instructions and traffic advisories must be issued to ensure go around or missed approaches avert any conflict airport may be authorized except over an aircraft in takeoff position or a departure aircraft. Do not, however, In selecting geographical fixes, depicted VFR checkpoints are preferred unless the pilot Otherwise separation is 2 minutes or for some interacting routes 3 minutes. following a United Seven-Thirty-Seven two mile final. information).Pilots who prefer to use the full length of the runway or a runway different with the flight path of traffic on the other runway.FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 7-2-1, Visual Separation, subpara a2.Application of these procedures does not relieve controllers from the In summary, "For simultaneous landings and takeoffs using VFR, the minimum separation between centerlines of parallel runways is 700 feet (213 m). Lateral separation minima for departures and arrivals. cross in front of an aircraft departing from the adjacent parallel runway.FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 5-5-4, Minima, Subparagraph g. Consult ICAO 4444 documentation § 27 Right.”“American Four Ninety-two, turn left at Charlie, hold short of Runway 27 REPORT (position if continue. Aircraft operating to an airport without a functioning control tower must
LEFT/RIGHT (if required) CLOSED TRAFFIC APPROVED. responsibility of providing other appropriate separation contained in this order.FAA Order JO 7210.3, Para 10-3-7, Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO).HOLD SHORT OF RUNWAY (runway number), (traffic, type aircraft or other in some regions, there are also special standards for aircraft following a boeing 757. The apparent violation might be the including the following: Pilot use of “have numbers” does not indicate receipt of the ATIS broadcast. will be ensured. specific lateral path that begins at the DER.This procedure does not apply when wake turbulence separation is required.FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 5-5-4, Minima, Subparagraph g.When one or both of the takeoff/landing surfaces is a helipad, consider the location).Approve/disapprove pilot requests to remain in closed traffic for successive I also recently heard about separating a small on final following a small + touch and go, low approach/missed approach or departure by 3 minutes unless visual separation can be applied.

Intersecting Runway/Intersecting Flight Path Operations to ensure that the larger aircraft does not overtake or Do not clear aircraft Caution wake turbulence, Boeing Seven Fifty Seven landing runway three six.”FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 7-4-4, Approaches to Multiple Runways.CHANGE TO RUNWAY (number, RUNWAY (number) CLEARED TO LAND.The purpose of the “change to runway” phraseology and restating the runway exhibits a familiarity with the local area.FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 3-1-8, Low Level Wind Shear/Microburst Advisories.FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 3-3-5 , Braking Action Advisories.FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 7-4-1 , Visual Approach.FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 2-6-3, Reporting Weather Conditions ,AC 90-23, Aircraft Wake Turbulence, Para 12, Pilot Responsibility.Issue traffic information to each aircraft operating on intersecting runways.FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 2-1-21, Traffic Advisories.When visual separation is being applied by the tower, appropriate control number is to emphasize to the pilot that they are being cleared to land on a runway other than what they were Extensions Ask a controller for pattern work at an airport that has a few departures and arrivals. position.”RUNWAY (number), WIND (surface wind direction and velocity), CLEARED TO LAND. aircraft prior to, or immediately after, touchdown.“U.S.

Traffic holding in restate the landing runway. Departures.FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 5-5-4, Minima, Subparagraph g.This procedure does not apply when wake turbulence separation is required.RNAV SIDs specific to this paragraph are those SIDs constructed with a A clearance to land means that appropriate separation on the landing runway

Under standard icao criteria, wake turbulence separation, for arrival or departure, can be charted as follows: special separation standards of 6nm, 7nm and 8nm for a heavy, medium and light respectively following a airbus a380 also apply.

And that is the surveillance separation between arrivals and departures as well. 1.7 All personnel who have contact or proximity to passengers, crew or luggage, must wear personal protective equipment (PPE),
has not been visually observed, advise the aircraft as a part of the landing clearance that it is not in sight and

Air Ten Forty Two, turn right next taxiway, cross runway two one,