Hello. Chalmers here. Arguing about what -- you know, why we can't -- when they say you shouldn't commit suicide because that's a sin you can't get forgiven for, but then it was this all -- everything was just confusing to me. "A true, and just account of one Francis Cooper of Hogstow near Shrewsbury ..."PAUL SLADE: "... who kept company with one Anne Nichols for the space of two years. Interview's over now." Does that include everyone? You can joke about me all you want to, but I'm gonna keep going. Here is where it started, and here is where I'll end it. And I was just angry and I was hurt and I was unhappy. And I was just broken down.

You're arrogant, cocky and rude. "]SARAH SMARSH: You know, like, the culture was starting to shift. I am not happy." And she had a Wonder Woman sticker on it. [ARCHIVE CLIP, Dolly Parton: Do you know what's worse than a giraffe with a sore throat? And the guy, Francis Cooper ...PAUL SLADE: He's got this girl pregnant, and he doesn't want to marry her.

He gets her pregnant. But i started singing in church.
I heard him call her a pig again. Husbands would commit their wives for things like quote, "Nagging, excitement, disagreeing with their husband’s religious beliefs. Or she just, like, was evasive?JAD: Like, which surprised me. And there is something about that that is sort of like, I think a more kind of millennial spirit of approach to feminism.SHIMA: One of the women I spoke to, Red Sagalow, talked about it this way.RED SAGALOW: There's this idea of what feminists are supposed to look like. Portable. We can't be precisely sure about that.JAD: The song was originally called The Bloody Miller.PAUL SLADE: So I went looking for surviving copies of The Bloody Miller's ballad sheet.JAD: Now obviously, there are no original recordings of this song, but he did manage to find a copy of the sheet music from the original printing, 330-ish years ago.

Sorry guys. We’ll leave this one up to you to ponder!We strive to achieve the highest ethical standards in all that we do. In the interview, I didn't catch it, when she said ...DOLLY PARTON: The Knoxville girl getting killed and throwed in the Knoxville River.JAD: But listening back I was like, "Wait, what? How there were 12 kids. I had been going through a whole lot of family things, just the stress with a heartache. Accuracy and availability may vary. Let me tell her story.ROBERT ORMAN: There are few finer songwriters, male or female.JAD: Mind you, she’s writing all these songs when she’s 21.

The moment she became a superhero.Transcripts are created on a rush deadline, often by contractors.

That’s me. Welcome home!

The spin in the accompanying article is 'How the mighty have fallen.' But I’ve seen a lot of people that have, and have had to go through that. The spin of this article is, 'Look what happens when you let Greek Cypriot immigrants into the country.' Second-wave feminism ...[ARCHIVE CLIP: Welcome to the new wave of feminism! This is great.

"]JAD: And then he throws her in the river. I do believe in making a point and making it well.

]HELEN MORALES: Yes. Welcome to each other! She ultimately was able to scrape together enough money from four jobs and a scholarship to enter the University of Kansas, which was just a few hours up the road.

][ARCHIVE CLIP, Dolly Parton: Oh, I know they make fun of me. I don't think I got to that place, but I -- I understood exactly how people do. Songwriters would go to the hangings and then travel from town to town singing the songs for money.
I'm Jad Abumrad. Her family was so poor that a sack of grains was all that her family had to give to the doctor that delivered her. 'Course I played it up.SARAH SMARSH: And you can deal with it while I make you my employee. The photograph in the next paper makes our house look like a slum. And after doing a little poking around, the data does kind of bear this out. I put Light Of A Clear Blue Morning on my stereo and wear out the cassette tape playing it over and over. Or like, she was her own punchline.