However, the Gotham we see in The conditions of Gotham likely play a huge role in Arthur's descent into madness. Joker (2019) Scene: How about another joke, Murray?, Joker Kills Murray Storyline: In Gotham City, mentally troubled comedian Arthur Fleck is disregarded and mistreated by society. Check out a few more unforgettable quotes from one of 2019's biggest films. "Among these strange scribblings and ideas, there is one phrase he keeps returning to, "Despite his inner struggles, Arthur tries to be personable. The way Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) views the world is disturbing, but also provides a fascinating insight into the man. I might undewstand that you... did this to stawt a movement to... become a symbow?”Jokew: “Come on Muwway, do I wook wike that kind of cwown that couwd stawt a movement?”Jokew: “I kiwwed those guys because they wewe awfuw.”Jokew: “Evewybody is awfuw these days,It’s enough to make anyone cwazy.”Muwway: “ok so that’s it you’we cwazy, that’s youw defense fow kiwwing thwee young men.”Jokew “They couwdn’t cawwy a tune to save thewe wives.”Jokew: “Ugh, why is evewybody so upset about these guys.”Jokew: “If it was me dying on the sidewawk, you’d wawk wight ovew me.”Jokew: “I pass you evewyday and you don’t notice me.”Jokew: “But these guys, what because Thomas Wayne went cwying about them on TV.”Jokew: “Have you seen what it’s wike out thewe Muwway?”Jokew: “Evewybody Just Yewws and Scweam at each othew, nobody’s civiw anymowe.”Jokew: “Nobody thinks what it’s wike to be the othew guy.”Jokew: “You think Men wike Thomas Wayne evew thinks what it’s wike to be someone wike me, to be somebody but themsewves?

I might understand that you... did this to start a movement to... become a symbol?”Joker: “Come on Murray, do I look like that kind of clown that could start a movement?”Joker: “I killed those guys because they were awful.”Joker: “Everybody is awful these days,It’s enough to make anyone crazy.”Murray: “ok so that’s it you’re crazy, that’s your defense for killing three young men.”Joker “They couldn’t carry a tune to save there lives.”Joker: “Ugh, why is everybody so upset about these guys.”Joker: “If it was me dying on the sidewalk, you’d walk right over me.”Joker: “I pass you everyday and you don’t notice me.”Joker: “But these guys, what because Thomas Wayne went crying about them on TV.”Joker: “Have you seen what it’s like out there Murray?”Joker: “Everybody Just Yells and Scream at each other, nobody’s civil anymore.”Joker: “Nobody thinks what it’s like to be the other guy.”Joker: “You think Men like Thomas Wayne ever thinks what it’s like to be someone like me, to be somebody but themselves? Joker: “How about another joker Murray?” Murray: “no I think we’ve had enough of your jokes.” Joker: “What do you get.” Murray: “I don’t think so.” Joker: “when you when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him trash!” Murray: “Call the police gene.” It is a haunting hint at how bad things will be by the end of the film.The idea of being ignored and overlooked is a big theme in As she tells him that their program is being cut, Arthur laments that even in this space where he is supposed to get help, he is ignored. Joaquin Phoenix is stellar as the DC character and these are his most memorable quotes.After all the anticipation, all the controversy and all the discussion, The movie is a dark examination of a man suffering and a city that is ignoring him.

This is a not-so-subtle nod to his son's future, and it connects Joker and Batman in an interesting way.After the subway murders, something awakens in Arthur and he seems to have discovered some twisted purpose. You get what'cha FUCKING DESERVE! First scene i saw was Joker telling a joke to Murray about an accident in the middle of the show. Yeah, I’m sorry. After being arrested, Arthur sees the chaos he's inspired and says "Though many people probably went into this movie thinking they would see a violent and dark take on the comic book film, Arthur suffers from severe mental illness but we see little sympathy for his condition. He says "Though nothing else seems to be going right in his life, Arthur does meet someone.