")At one point in this section of its flight, (1443 UTC) KAL 007 put a call through a navigational "hookup", the International Flight Service Station on HF. ""Something else was inexplicable to us—zipped-up clothes. The autopilot computer software commanded the INS mode to remain in the "armed" condition until the plane had moved to a position less than 7.5 miles (12.1 km) from the desired course line. We shot down the plane legally... Later we began to lie about small details: the plane was supposedly flying without running lights or strobe light, that tracer bullets were fired, or that I had radio contact with them on the emergency frequency of Osipovich died on 23 September 2015 after a protracted illness.The Soviet real-time military communication transcripts of the shootdown suggest the chain of command from the top general to Major Osipovich, the Su-15 interceptor pilot who shot down KAL 007.At the time of the attack, the plane had been cruising at an altitude of about 35,000 feet (11,000 m). In addition, pursuit was made more difficult, according to Soviet Air Force Captain Some people lied to Moscow, trying to save their ass.The Commander of the Soviet Far East District Air Defense Forces, General Valery Kamensky,Commenting on the moment that KAL 007 slowed as it ascended from They [KAL 007] quickly lowered their speed. As far as we are aware neither the U.S. nor Japan has any information on the flight recorders. S12462-S12464Soviet news magazine, Izvestia #228, October 16, 1992KAL 007:Cover-Up, David Pearson, Summit Press, N.Y., 1987, pg.122Shootdown, R.W. Tapes recovered from the airliner's KAL 007 was probably attacked in international airspace, with a 1993 Russian report listing the location of the missile firing outside its territory at Though the interceptor pilot reported to ground control, "Target destroyed", the Soviet command, from general on down, indicated surprise and consternation at KAL 007's continued flight, and ability to regain its altitude and maneuver.

They reportedly corresponded more to "secondary placement" of the wreckage, and removal of both the passengers and aircrew of KAL 007, by the Soviet navy, who they claim had been at work prior to them, using both divers and trawlers. These multi-track communications from various command posts telecommunicating at the same minute and seconds as other command posts were communicating provide a "composite" picture of what was taking place.The data from the CVR and the FDR revealed that the recordings broke off after the first minute and 44 seconds of KAL 007's post missile detonation 12 minute flight. That is the initial 10 degree error that was sent to the INS gets wider. That's exactly what happened. For instance, a coat, slacks, shorts, a sweater with zippers—the items were different, but, zipped up. The first set of facts relate to US capability and actuality of tracking KAL 007 in its deviated flight, thus presenting the possibility of warning the aircraft in time to avert its entrance into harm's way. And even investigated it. 277, point 10An aircraft HSI generally has an image of a plane directly above the Horizontal Situation Indicator's needle when the aircraft is on course. On September 1, 1983, KAL 007 was shot down after violating Russian airspace which resulted in the death of 269 innocent passengers including 61 Americans. They had been spread out over a much larger area. I heard that they had found the 'Boeing' when I was still on Sakhalin. This was at the installation at King Salmon, Alaska. The fact that both recorder tapes stopped exactly at the same time 1 minute and 44 seconds after missile detonation (18:38:02 UTC) without the tape portions for the more than 10 minutes of KAL 007's post detonation flight before it descended below radar tracking (18:38 UTC) finds no explanation in the ICAO analysis: "It could not be established why both flight recorders simultaneously ceased to operate 104 seconds after the attack. They were flying at 400 km/h (249 mph). There was no luggage recovered.

As the aircraft moves south, the lines of longitude expand and the track deviation gets greater. Major -General of Aviation Stepanov You know, even now I cannot really believe that there were passengers on board. At another point of this section of the flight, at waypoint NABIE, KAL 007 was too far north to make radio contact with the VHF air traffic control relay station on According to the ICAO, an indicator of pilot unawareness of the deviation from route of their flight was the bantering and casual cockpit conversation at the times that awareness of deviation into hostile airspace would have increased tension and have precluded this. "As a result of Cold War tensions, the search and rescue operations of the Soviet Union were not coordinated with those of the United States, South Korea, and Japan. David Pearson, Summit Books, N.Y., Pg. I had already expended 243 rounds. 128 "ICAO also interviewed a number of these divers for its 1993 report: "In addition to the scraps of metal, they observed personal items, such as clothing, documents and wallets.

Major -General of Aviation Kovtun These United States Air Force radar stations at Cape Newenham and Cape Romanzoff in Alaska had the capability to track all aircraft heading toward the Russian Buffer Zone, though it is not known if the radar results of such "outgoing" tracking would have been monitored in "real-time" at the facility at Elmendorf Air Force base. However, there was another location at which KAL 007 could well have been tracked in its deviation. A Japanese fisherman aboard the Chidori Maru 58 had reported to the Japanese Maritime Safety Agency (and this report was forgotten in 1984Brun maintains that the fisherman's account of the destruction of KAL 007 was not sustainable because if the aircraft exploded while low on the horizon, the sound of the explosion could not have, as reported by the fishermen, reached his ear before the flash of the explosion reached the eye, as light travels faster than sound.

Among Michel Brun's supporters since 1995 is David Pearson, author of These theories attempt to explain why there were no surface finds at the place postulated for the KAL 007's impact with the water.