Most pressing social problems including poverty, crime, addictive behaviors, healthcare and much more.UC's Michael Belsky is applying outcomes-based budgeting to actually evaluating governmental budgets based on outcomes instead of "Politics as Usual." Appeasement never works.The denuclearization of both Iran and NK remains the most important task of Trump's second term as yet undone. Julia was Sylvia's and my second-grade Sunday school teacher. Please There are many programs at and in my books Safe Haven and The Chicago Project that can SAVE LIVES and Tax Dollars with a PARADIGM SHIFT from Gridlock and “Politics as Usual” to Win-Win GOOD GOVERNMENT based on GOOD SCIENCE and GOOD PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. I have, thus, been a heroine addict all of my life.Having said this, I am as fully supportive of women and women's rights as I could be. The $2-3T/yr. Chicago Tribune | Feb 19, 2020 at 4:37 PM . One suitcase nuke could make the Holocaust pale by comparison. By making budgeting decisions at all levels of good government based on the actual outcomes, we can finally move beyond gridlock.Sooner than later, another Nobel Prize in Economics will be awarded to a group of individuals who expand upon the work noted above to develop a comprehensive economic model of win-win game theory and outcomes-based budgeting applied at all levels of government and economies from local to national to international for the good of all. Who is Kimball Ladien, MD, Republican candidate for 5th Congressional District? In 1944, Johnnie von Neumann showed with Game Theory that, in the long run, nonzero sum win-win strategies always outperform win-lose scenarios. The results have been certified. that can be a true win-win on every level. If we can reduce gang crime, drugs, dropouts, abuse and joblessness, we would be saving lives and billions of tax dollars -- more than enough to pay off the pensions without having to raise taxes. The subtitle of Safe Haven is "Toward Gang-Free, Drug-Free, Full Employment Economy in America by 2020." Ladien lost the general election on February 26, 2019. Time will tell.Similarly, my Global Energy Independence Program (GEIP) can provide clean, renewable energy that saves $2-3T/yr. Family: Sylvia, wife, died in 2012; Fawn, stepdaughter; Kenneth, brother; Karen, sister• University of Illinois -- Chicago, Undergraduate (Psychology, PoliSci) -- Cum Laude• Institute for Juvenile Research -- Child FellowshipCivic involvement: In 1993, I wrote Safe Haven outlining how by using a Community Service Corps (CSC), much like FDR's CCC and WPA, we can create jobs in the public and private sectors to help break the cycles of gangs, drugs, dropouts, abuse and joblessness. Again, it is precisely by working together that problems are solved.The motto of Safe Haven is a penny of prevention is worth a dollar of cure. The results have been certified. globally, which can do profound good in America and far beyond.As noted above, the potential savings in the US of $1T/yr. By bringing not only the country, but the world together, we truly can end gridlock with good government and good science. Kimball Ladien (Republican Party) ran for election to the U.S. House to represent Illinois' 5th Congressional District.

Ladien (Nonpartisan) was a candidate for Ward 47 member of the Chicago City Council in Illinois. Both were as kindhearted as they were brilliant. By focusing on best oractices and rigorous cost-benefit analysis of outcomes instead of ideologies, true progress can be made.