He hosts a syndicated daily four-hour radio show, two hours of which are simulcast on Newsmax TV. “That’s really what this whole movement is about is building community.”Discover more unheard stories about Kansas City, every Thursday.Check your inbox, you should see something from us.When you sign up for Flatland’s newsletter, you get Kansas City stories dropped in your inbox every Thursday.Don't forget to check your inbox for a new email from us each Thursday. The protestors themselves say they are just not taking any chances on what—or who—may be lurking beyond their makeshift bordersUltimately, the CHAZ is a new stab at an ancient idea. We have people who are disciplined with firearms, and people who get into firearms who don't have that discipline, so when we see it, we’re not policing people; the best we can do is educate people,” Nick said. While the CHAZ has instituted its own form of unelected security throughout the area, the John Brown Gun Club has been one of the groups to spearhead the effort. Also giving comment and seemingly endorsing the actions of the neighbors blocking the right to free speech: Snohomish mayor John Kartak, whose mayoral campaign was partly run by a local Proud Boy (member of a violent far-right group known for attacks across the nation). “That is the basis, that all of us are equal, and none of it gets better for any of us until it gets better for all of us. “It’s not White, male and patriarchal in the sense that it’s always about taking care of the family.”As with the civil rights movements from the ‘60s, crow knows that this ideological shift will take some time. Never heard of the TPF? Paul Cellucci, to one of the “men” accused of assault and battery on a police officer Saturday afternoon in Boston at the Straight Pride Parade.In another courtroom, Judge Richard Sinnott turned down requests from prosecutors to dismiss the charges against another seven of the squirrelly, snot-nosed hippies.Sinnott is a former candidate for state rep (against “Honest” John Rogers) and an Army Reserve JAG. Charlie Baker got at least one judicial appointment right.Check out the photos of the three drifters in Horgan’s courtroom. Gov. Its website includes calls for an armed community defense program in every community, in response to an “upsurge in reactionary and racist violence.”That sentiment may be relevant now more than ever. The neighbors accused the protesters of attempting to break windows, hurt people, damage their property, essentially just a rightwing fever-dream of a scenario.

So when he determined from an inactive Facebook page that the only Kansas chapter of the John Brown Gun Club was defunct, Hunter decided to start his own chapter out of his hometown of Russell.“Since there is no real hierarchy, there’s nothing to stop me from standing with fellow comrades and starting my own chapter here,” Hunter said.The group went live in late June and now counts 33 members. Nick said that everyone he’s spoken to has appreciated their presence, save for one older white man who spotted a black man open carrying and fretted, “I thought this was a peaceful protest!” By all accounts on the ground, it is. We need to be ready to rapidly respond to the armed right wing threat that menaces our communities. It is a pro-worker, anti-racist organization that focuses on working class liberation from the oppressive systems which dominate our lives. While most of its projects are centered around advocating for marginalized communities, the club offers community range days at a local conservation area. Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club (PSJBGC) is a Puget Sound Area gun club, formerly affiliated with Redneck Revolt.