On a daily basis, we will spend more waking hours in our workplace than at home, and experience more exchanges with team members than family members.

Good practice exists in some organisations, but for the vast majority of employees, mental health … Survey questions were designed to explore topics of supervisor communication, company culture, and employee engagement and wellbeing. It defines health to mean both physical and psychological health. Since 2003 that work environment has claimed the life of 47 first responders.This infographic shows how to apply the four step risk management process to prevent work-related psychological injury and illness.This infographic shows clearly the size of the problem of work-related mental disorders, and common causes.Presenting some of the key data on bullying and violence in Australian workplaces, this infographic demonstrates the connection between harassment, bullying and violence and work-related mental disorders.Providing a mentally healthy workplace not only protects workers from psychological harm, it positively enhances their mental health and can improve business productivity.Mental illness costs business - but you will get a return if you invest in the mental health of your workers.In this video, Dr Kirsten Way challenges some of the arguments commonly cited by business owners against building a mentally healthy workplace.In this presentation Dr Peta Miller discusses the drivers of Safe Work Australia’s new authoritative guidance material for addressing psychological workplace health and safety.This brief video provides some compelling evidence to demonstrate that creating a mentally healthy workplace is good for business.Alcohol, illicit drug use and pressure on the mental health sector mean the risks to hospital staff and bystanders are growing.First responders are routinely faced with challenging, distressing and even violent situations in their everyday work, which can have a profound effect on their mental and physical health.In this video young people share their experiences and thoughts on a range of work health and safety issues, from unsafe work practices to mental health in the workplace.
The...Recommendation 18 of the 2012 House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Employment report, Workplace Bullying: “We just want it to stop”, requested an annual update of trends in workers’ compensation data relating to psychosocial health and safety generally and workplace bullying specifically. Each year:Mental health can be adversely affected by exposure to a range of hazards or factors in the workplace, including, for example:Exposure to these hazards can lead to work-related stress.

Job satisfaction and levels of productivity depend on workplace culture, work demands, work support, and work rewards. To better understand the prevalence of workplace bullying and harassment in Australian workplaces and to identify workplace risk factors associated with the occurrence of bullying and harassment. This report was commissioned by Safe Work Australia to provide a summary of the results from data obtained...The report ‘The relationship between work characteristics, wellbeing, depression and workplace bullying’ describes the early findings from a project conducted as a partnership between Safe Work Australia and The Australian National University. When stress is very high and or prolonged it can in turn lead to work-related psychological or physical injury.

The...Recommendation 18 of the 2012 House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Employment report, Workplace Bullying: “We just want it to stop”, requested an annual update of trends in workers’ compensation data relating to psychosocial health and safety generally and workplace bullying specifically. The...Recommendation 18 of the 2012 House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Employment report, Workplace Bullying: “We just want it to stop”, requested an annual update of trends in workers’ compensation data relating to psychosocial health and safety generally and workplace bullying specifically. Sickness absence and presenteeism have a direct impact on organisation productivity Previous research has indicated that Psychosocial safety climate (PSC) and the psychological health outcomes of depression, psychological distress and disengagement have an important impact on sickness absence and...The Australian Workplace Barometer project aims to provide science driven evidence of Australian work conditions and their relationships to workplace health and productivity, through a national monitoring and surveillance system. The report finds that younger workers (those under 30) compared to older workers were less comfortable talking about mental health at work (45% v 57%), less comfortable talking to … The report shows that certain workplace conditions and experiences can...This fact sheet provides a general overview of the employer’s role under workers’ compensation legislation in relation to psychological injuries.
What did we find? The most common mechanisms causing mental stress were:Over the five-year period reviewed by SWA, the occupations with the highest rate of claims for mental health conditions were:The overall rate of claims for mental health conditions (all occupations) was 0.51 claims per million hours, and the frequency rate fell from 0.51 in 2005–06 to 0.43 in 2014–15.The nature of these occupation groups suggests that workers who receive compensation for a work-related mental health condition tend to be those who have high levels of interaction with other people, are often providing a public service and often doing their job in difficult and challenging circumstances.The model WHS Act requires a PCBU to ensure the health and safety of their workers, so far as is reasonably practicable. They include:Safe Work Australia is not a regulator and cannot advise you about work health and safety compliance.

Statistics and facts taken from the following reports: Mental Health America – 2019 Mind the Workplace Capita – Workplace Wellness, Employee Insight Report 2019 The World Health Organization – Mental Health in the Workplace Wellable – 2019 Employee Wellness Industry Trends Report. These laws aim to support workers in the event of a work-related injury or illness, including a work-related mental health condition.Workers’ compensation laws vary in operation and application in each jurisdiction across Australia. Bullying was measured using both a widely accepted international definition and the...Recommendation 18 of the 2012 House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Employment report, Workplace Bullying: “We just want it to stop”, requested an annual update of trends in workers’ compensation data relating to psychosocial health and safety generally and workplace bullying specifically.