Within the same year, there was some reports that the SEMAR was interested in getting some Panstir S1 (SA-22 Greyhound), but those reports turned out to be false. Although this small inventory of fighters did allow for focused air sovereignty missions over key population centers and during major events. can be modified with However, it’s unclear what SEDENA has planned for their air defence weapon systems, but there were some reports indicating that the Mexican Army has some interest in getting the S-300PMU2 Favourite long-range SAM’s from Russia to be based around Mexico City and strategic locations in near the Bay of Campeche. That is a lot of bang for your buck, equalling less than $9m per unit all-in.Mexico’s F-5s went on to serve steadily for 34 years. Another bad news that struck the navy is that they removed the E-2C Hawkeyes from service around 2008 because it didn’t fit their doctrine and also were considered to be expensive to operate also. Despite this, the Drug War put a lot of his proposals on the backburner for more important things like armoured vehicles, troops, equipment, and combat operations against the drug cartels. Inflight refuelling aircraft has been gaining some interest lately with FAM in which some of their C-130’s or the Boeing 767’s that Aeromexico is planning to retire in a few years can be converted with inflight refuelling gear which can support fighters and other FAM or possibly FAN aircraft too. In 2011, the Mexican Army ordered five advanced Northrop Grumman TPS-78/703 3D radar systems in which one of them was shown at the 2012 Mexican Independence Day Parade last year.As of 2013, the Mexican Army is getting their last batch of TPS-78 radars and with a possibly in getting additional radar systems in the near future. The R-99A is one of most active aircraft flying in the Mexican Air Force flying at various bases all over Mexico in a number of operations and usually back up by or guide the F-5E Tiger fighter/interceptors against drug smuggling and unidentified aircraft. R. Maas, “Mexican Air Force adds 6 new T-6C Texan II aircraft to fleet”, UPI, February 12, 2016 (Accessed February 16, 2017) 21.
There was even a supposed Now the Mexican Air Force will have to rely on turboprop powered PC-9/7 and T-6C+ light attack trainers for armed air patrols, neither of which are close to substitutes for fast-jets. Considering the security situation around the world, Mexico blatant lack of any fast-jet capability, even advanced jet trainers armed with cannons and heat-seeking air-to-air missiles, may also impact Mexico’s ability to host large events and even world leaders in the future.Technology, performance and design delivered to your inbox.We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to The Phantastic QF-4 Phantom Full-Scale Target Drone Takes its Phinal Unmanned PhlightThe end is nigh for the iconic F-4 Phantom in US service.Say Au Revoir To The Super Étendard With This Heart-Pounding VideoAfter nearly 40 years of service with the Marine Nationale, the “SEM” proudly bows out.30 Hornets Pulled From Boneyard, Navy Eyes Ditching New Carrier Arresting GearConcurrency is taking its toll on the US military in many ways.Is the European Meteor Air-To-Air Missile Really the Best in the World?Some would say the best arrow is the one still left in your quiver.

However, it’s possible that in the near future that the Mexican Navy will expand their radar and air defence coverage with short to long range systems in both Caribbean and Pacific Ocean parts around Mexico. However, the Fuerza Aerea Mexicana and the Fuerza Aerea Naval  is still of a mystery even to this day since the Mexican government, SEDENA, and SEMAR keeps a tight lid about their capability, forces, and even their history.
The types last flight included just three examples and occurred on September 16, 2016, during Mexico's independence celebrations.A replacement for Mexico’s Tiger IIs has been rumored to be in the works for a long time, under various guises, including second hand F-16s and F/A-18s, but nothing has ever come of it.

Before the deal was inked, Mexico experienced a turbulent decade trying to purchase a new light fighter. However, it’s unclear if these vessels will be upgraded with ADS and other equipment similar to the Turkish Navy GENESIS upgrades which is being offered to Oliver Hazard Perry Class frigate owners or will have a simple modifications on them instead. Although they were fairly rudimentary fighters, having no beyond-visual-range air-to-air or smart weapons capabilities, they gave Mexico at least some high-performance air defense capacity.Still, having just a dozen F-5s didn’t really allow Mexico to protect the skies over its entire country in a persistent manner, far from it actually. However, reports of allegations and corruption appeared in the Hawkeye deal, but it is unclear if anybody resigned or was sacked unlike the Flanker deal.In 2009, the Mexican Navy took delivery a number of Raytheon-Thales AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel short-range radar systems that are based in southern parts of Mexico. Lately though, the Mexican Air Force and Navy has been getting into spotlight since the Chiapas War in the mid-1990’s and more recently the on-going Drug War in Mexico.As of 2013, the Mexican Air Force is in state of modernization in which they are reequipping and replacing a number of aircraft and helicopters.