But for ordinary mortals the mountain remains unclimbed, despite its not very high altitude compared to Himalayan eight-thousanders “only” about 6,700 meters (in different data sources differ). Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Bon followers believe it is the heart of the world and the axis of the Earth.The Tibetans are convinced that Kailash is like the polar mount Meru from the Indo-Aryan myths unites the three cosmic zones: heaven, earth and the underworld and, therefore, has universal significance. Hindus sometimes see there many-armed creature, they identified with Shiva.Satellite imagery shows that the Kailas is the center of the stone spiral. The location of Kailash Parbat is in synchronization with some of the ancient monuents in the world . In September 2004, the member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences Yuri Zakharov has managed to lull the Tibetan community. “Better than mountains can be only mountains, which have not yet been”, – sang Vladimir Vysotsky. Tell that to the brave, dare to climb, as if the air rises insurmountable wall: kaylas like push them away, and then all resets to the foot.There are stories about the four climbers (whether the Americans, whether the British), who pretended to be pilgrims performing the Kora – a sacred mountain around. This also contributes to the pyramidal shape of the mountain.

After some time, the pilgrims camp at the foot of the mountain came down four dirty, ragged and absolutely insane people with crazy eyes. Mountain drive is a kind of planetary and cosmic energy, the largest on Earth.

Mount Kailash is the center of the Earth and maintains the atmosphere to keep all living beings alive. They are near the mountains and are separated only by a narrow isthmus.

He who dares to start the top of Mount holy and see the faces of the gods will be put to death!"

The mystery of Mount Kailash is often connected to religion and mythology. To get out of the tent absolutely did not want, and had no strength, but his curiosity took – indeed, every 3-5 seconds in the sky flashed spherical, bright flash, similar to the depicted in Tibetan iconography the crucible – glow-iridescent sphere. The Spaniards had already established a base camp at the foot, but then the way became blocked by a crowd of thousands of pilgrims, who decided at any cost not to allow this to happen to sacrilege. After all, even a single bypass around the mountain will save you from all life’s sins. There is even a Shiva’s face protruding out of the mountain.The reason why people can’t reach the top of the mountain is that it keeps changing position. Here’s how to explain it myself Zakharov:– On ascent night I was awakened by Paul, saying that the sky awesome beauty of unusual light phenomena of natural electricity. Together with his son Paul, he was able (without permission) to climb the Kailash of the South-Eastern side to the level of 6200 meters. It looks like a huge pyramid, and some Russian scientists claim that it is not a mountain, but rather a manmade pyramid.It is said that people who climb Mount Kailash age really quickly.

But, most likely, the swastika – just one of the vagaries of nature.According to some researchers, the pyramid of Kailas – hollow. Inside it’s a whole system of rooms, one of which houses the legendary black stone of Chintamani.

It lies in Tibet and the landscape around it is a beautiful paradise. In recent years, people have not been able to reach the mountain.

But it’s worth it, isn’t it? He is the Tibetan saint, Milarepa. Mysteries Geographical Location Mount Kailash is the axis of the Earth and maintains the atmosphere to keep all living beings alive.
- states almost all ancient Tibetan writings. Mystic energy in the mountain?

It is also known as the home of Shiva. Vajrayana Buddhists believe that Mount Kailash is the home of the buddha Cakrasaṃvara (also known as Demchok), who represents supreme bliss.

And lang-TSO still called the lake demon. The water of this lake always remain calm, even in strong winds. By the way, the Russian scientist and esoteric, Professor Ernst Muldashev believes that this pyramid is of artificial origin, as well as other pyramidal mountains in the region, and built them in ancient times, a certain supercivilization.Version curious, but hardly true. June 5, 2016 “Better than mountains can be only mountains, which have not yet been”, – sang Vladimir Vysotsky.

Mount Kailash is the most sacred mountain in the world.

The water is salty, undrinkable, and there is always a storm, even in calm weather.Many miracles and riddles fraught with sacred mountain. In Hinduism, Mount Kailash is considered as axis Mundi and identified with the mythical Mount Meru. Snow falls in the shape of om or aum. But the top still did not submit. ! Gods saw not allowed "No mortal ever be allowed to walk atop Mount Kailash, where, among the clouds, is the abode of the gods. Perhaps.There are two lakes surrounding the mountain – Mansarovar, the God lake and the Rakshas Tal, the Devil lake. This seems to be really the true holy mountain of the world.The unsolved Mystery of Mount Kailash that abodes to ShivaMy Son Sanctuary in Vietnam is mostly dedicated to Lord Shiva She does not admit to itself any of the brave men who dared to attempt the ascent. In certain light, at sunset time, fancy a game of shadows forming a semblance of the swastika – an ancient solar sign.