nimbus (plural nimbi or nimbuses) A circle of light; a halo.

A gray rain cloud. Cumulonimbus (from Latin cumulus, "heaped" and nimbus, "rainstorm") is a dense, towering vertical cloud, forming from water vapor carried by powerful upward air currents. / Dispersed we welter on the gulfs. Features. Social Science. In other words, someone who thinks they are coming up with a clever response, when in fact they sound STUPID.

This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.Thick grey generally shapeless clouds that form at about 1.3 mi (2km).Old witches, sorceresses, etc., were called hags from the belief that their heads were surrounded by a kind of baleful lumination or Properly, a luminous ring encircling an astronomical body, but not infrequently confounded with "aureola," or ""Don't ye be nervous, my dear good soul," expostulated, between his coughs, a young man with a wet face, and his straw hat so far back upon his head that the brim encircled it like the Several times, taking a walk from his inn into meadows and parks, he stopped by a well-worn stile, looked across through the early evening at a gray church tower, with its dusky It was as sharp, the question, as a knife in his side, but the answer hung fire still and seemed to lose itself in the vague darkness to which the thin admitted dawn, glimmering archwise over the whole outer door, made a semicircular margin, a cold silvery I have heard the great orators of many countries, but not even Gladstone himself could have pleased a cause with most consummate power than did this angular Negro, standing in a Briefly, the method by which the cover picture was made is as follows: The

Languages. Languages. The physical characteristic of this genus of clouds is similarly so.

New phenomena such as cloud formations need precise descriptions, and with the multitude of cloud formations, finding a common characteristic to identify them is difficult in the first place, much less the classifications. Suffix is a letter or a group of letters that is usually added onto the end of words, to change the way a word fits into a sentence grammatically.. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs all tend to use different suffixes, so this makes it a little easier to remember! Latin meaning Cumulus "heap or pile" stratus. / Excutimur cursu, et caecis erramus in undis. Nimbus is a Latin word meaning cloud or rain storm. Cirrus clouds are high altitude clouds and are formed at an altitude of 7 kilometers above the surface of the earth. Find more Latin words at! The ten genera have been reduced to five because of the Latin root words.

/ No difference now between the night and day / e'en Palinurus sees, nor recollects the way. dark gray clouds that form a low layer and sometimes bring light rain or snow showers. An altocumulus cloud (Ac) is a high altitude puffy-looking cloud. Definition of nimbo- in the dictionary. What is the Suffix?

dark gray clouds that form a low layer and sometimes bring light rain or snow showers. Cumulus cloud appears as a puffy cloud, as if filled with cotton balls. / Ipse diem noctemque negat discernere coelo, / nec meminisse viae media Palinurus in unda.Winds roll the waters, and the great seas rise. If observed during a storm, these clouds may be referred to as thunderheads. Social Science. See Synonyms at dexterous. In Iran, clouds are considered to be a sign of good omen. Classical Mythology. These are the following: Cirrocumulus (Cc), Cirrus (Ci), Cirrostratus (Cs), Altostratus (As), Altocumulus (Ac), Nimbostratus (Ns), Stratus (St), Stratocumulus (Sc), Cumulonimbus (Cb), and Cumulus (Cu).Memorizing each name with their respective abbreviations can be done. While Latin has been a dead language for centuries, the sciences of today still use words from Latin for that exact reason. Cumulus, Cumulu- or Cumulo –In Latin, cumulus means a pile or a heap. Science.

Science. (Because you can. es. 3. However, if you look closer at the names, they are simply a mixture of a few Latin words. in patriam, loca feta furentibus Austris, / Aeoliam venit.Turning over such things in her inflamed heart, the goddess came to the country of storm-clouds, Aeolia, breeding place of the raging winds.

Math. Pronunciation (Portugal, Brazil) IPA : /ˈnĩ.bu/ Hyphenation: nim‧bo; Noun .
a shining cloud sometimes surrounding a deity when on earth. latin-ancient en Night was coming on with a fierce storm , and the foe, one moment with a tumultuous uproar, another in awful silence, had perplexed the besiegers, when Sabinus went round the camp, entreating the men not to give a chance to their stealthy assailants by heeding embarrassing noises or being deceived by quiet, but to keep, every one, to his post without moving or discharging their darts on … And because of this, it is much simpler to understand and identify immediately what name should be associated with the description.Under each genus of names of clouds types, there is a species, and each species has a Latin root word that physically describes the cloud. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.igitur firmatae stationes densioribus globis; et ingruebat nox atrox, hostisque clamore turbido, modo per vastum silentium, Sabinus circumire, hortari, ne ad ambigua sonitus aut simulationem quietis casum insidiantibus aperirent, sed sua quisque munia servarent immoti telisque non in falsum iactis., and the foe, one moment with a tumultuous uproar, had perplexed the besiegers, when Sabinus went round the camp, entreating the men not to give a chance to their stealthy assailants by heeding embarrassing noises or being deceived by quiet, but to keep, every one, to his post without moving or discharging their darts on false alarms.Continuo venti volvunt mare magnaque surgunt / aequora: dispersi jactamur gurgite vasto. Nimbo or –nimbus –The Latin translation for nimbus or nimbo is rain, or a cloud of rain. Other. How to use nimbus in a sentence. An example would be: Nimbostratus, a precipitating cloud. Suffix Meaning. English words for nimbus include cloud, storm cloud, rain-cloud, thundercloud, storm of rain, cloud of smoke and loud of dust. Quick, light, or agile in movement or action; deft: nimble fingers. es 1. "Jam summas arces Tritonia, respice, Pallas / insedit, "See, on the citadel, all grim with gore, / red-robed, and with the Gorgon shield aglow, / Tritonian Pallas bids the conflict roar.

Latin meaning Stratus ... High clouds.

Quick, clever, and acute in devising or understanding: nimble wits. From Latin nimbus.