Authorised version. Part 1 — Preliminary. Allens is an independent partnership operating in alliance with Linklaters LLP. 26293 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 26 APRIL 2004 Act No. Repeals, amendments, transitional and savings provisions. The State may view this new disclosure regime as a natural corollary of the land reservation mechanism.Where petroleum production under a PDL proposal would likely be of 'national significance', the Minister may impose a 'minimum expected level of return' for the State on the licensee. (3)Section 112(3) is amended after “petroleum” by inserting — (4)Section 112(5a) is amended by deleting “petroleum,” and inserting instead — “ petroleum or geothermal energy resources, ”. (2)Section 29(2) is repealed and the following subsections are inserted instead — (2)A person shall not explore for geothermal energy resources in the State except — (a)under and in accordance with a geothermal exploration permit or a geothermal drilling reservation; orPenalty: $50 000 or imprisonment for 5 years, or both. Acts as made ; Statutory rules as made; Historical Acts (1851-1995) Bills. We help our clients navigate these challenges and market uncertainty across the project lifecycle and ensure clients are equipped to move forward. (3)The Minister has complied with this subsection if the Minister — (a)has, by instrument in writing served on the registered holder of the geothermal title, given not less than one month’s notice of the Minister’s intention to grant the petroleum title or vary the petroleum production licence, as the case requires; and(i)given particulars of the petroleum title proposed to be granted or of the variation proposed to be made to the petroleum production licence; and(ii)specified a date on or before which the person on whom the instrument is served may, by instrument in writing served on the Minister, submit any matters that the person wishes the Minister to consider;(c)has taken into account any matters submitted to the Minister on or before the specified date by that person. Interpretation.

(a)before “A” by inserting the subsection designation “(1)”;(b)in paragraph (a) after “with a” by inserting — (2)A person shall not carry on operations for the recovery of geothermal energy in the State except — (a)under and in accordance with a geothermal production licence; orPenalty: $50 000 or imprisonment for 5 years, or both. Buy printed copy of Act.

(b)after “pools” in both places where it occurs by inserting — , or geothermal energy from the geothermal resources area,(7)Section 46(6)(a) is amended by deleting “or (2);” and inserting instead — (1)Section 47(4) is amended after “declaration” by inserting — (2)After section 47(4) the following subsection is inserted — (4a)The Minister may vary a declaration that relates to geothermal energy resources by — (a)adding to the location a block in the permit area or drilling reservation, as the case requires, to which, in the opinion of the Minister, a geothermal resources area within the location extends; or(b)deleting from the location a block to which, in the opinion of the Minister, no geothermal resources area within the location extends.The heading to Part III Division 2A is amended by deleting “for petroleum”.

These obligations are in addition to extensive information rights of the State already in force.

82 of 1993 [Assented to 27 October 19931 An Act relating to the search for and mining of petroleum and for purposes incidental thereto. 1.Short title2.

Global demand for gas is projected to grow at a steady rate over the coming decades, driven by growing populations and economic development in emerging economies, together with the global trend of an expanding middle class. We examine the significance of these amendments and the likely next steps. 4.Long title amended3. (Assented to 20 April 2004.) (3)On the written application of the geothermal licensee, the Minister may approve a variation of the approved development plan. ACT …

What the level of return might be, how it would be calculated and how it would be enforced are not prescribed in the O&G Amendments. (a)after “petroleum” in the first place where it occurs by inserting — (b)after “petroleum” in the second place where it occurs by inserting — (1)After section 11 the following section is inserted — (1)Subject to this Act and to any rights of other persons, on the recovery of any petroleum by a petroleum permittee, holder of a petroleum drilling reservation, petroleum lessee or petroleum licensee in the permit area, drilling reservation, lease area or licence area, the petroleum becomes the property of the petroleum permittee, holder of the petroleum drilling reservation, petroleum lessee or petroleum licensee. (a)in paragraph (c) after “deposits” by inserting — or geothermal energy resources, as the case requires(b)in paragraph (d)(iv) after “deposit” by inserting — or geothermal energy resources, as the case requires,(c)after each of paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) by inserting — (d)after paragraph (d)(i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) by inserting — (a)before “A” by inserting the subsection designation “(1)”;(2)A geothermal drilling reservation, while it remains in force, authorises the holder of the drilling reservation, subject to this Act and in accordance with the conditions to which the drilling reservation is subject — (a)to drill for geothermal energy resources in the drilling reservation area; and(b)to recover geothermal energy in the drilling reservation area for the purpose of establishing the nature and probable extent of a discovery of geothermal energy resources; and(c)to carry on such operations and execute such works in the drilling reservation area as are necessary for those purposes. (1)Section 44(1) is amended by deleting “permit area or” and inserting instead — (2)After section 44(1) the following subsections are inserted — (1a)If geothermal energy resources are discovered in a geothermal permit area or geothermal drilling reservation, the permittee or the holder of the drilling reservation, as the case requires — (a)shall forthwith inform the Minister of the discovery; and(b)shall, within a period of 3 days after the date of the discovery, furnish to the Minister particulars in writing of the discovery.