Vala has limited support for Unicode in variable names. Make a PHP variable the value of a form Input. UTF-16 (UCS-2) will not work because it adds null bytes before or after ASCII characters (depending on endianness of UTF-16).

Walk through nested arrays/objects and utf8 encode all strings. Documentation: This is a port from the C example. Of course the browser will convert the unicode to UTF8 for you as part of the submit (I use IE5 or better for this) then all you have to do in the PHP is encode the UTF8 so the browser will show it in its raw form. UTF-8 has been developed to transfer a Unicode character from

0.99.18 ms-win version of the S-Lang-powered The same document does give a hint in the "S-Lang 2 Interpreter NEWS" But PHP for example only provides support for normalization since 5.2.4 which came out in August 2007. You might want to wrap a function around this to make sure you aren't saving a bunch of ???? Phix does not officially support unicode variable names, however it took me less than 5 minutes (changes, which are now permanent, labelled with "for rosettacode/unicode" in ptok.e and pttree.e, setting charset and identset respectively) to get the following to work, as long as the source file is stored using utf8 with a proper BOM, as supported by Notepad and the included Edita.

This function may be useful do encode array keys and values [and checks first to see if it's already in UTF format]: Other special characters must be escaped C-style. In 2005, a project headed by Andrei Zmievski was initiated to bring native Unicode support throughout PHP, by embedding the International Components for Unicode (ICU) library, and representing text strings as UTF-16 internally.

I tried a lot of things, but this seems to be the final fail save method to convert any string to proper UTF-8. into your database. The "Identifiers" chapter in the primary doc says dompdf-2. Unless you have made it a default, GNAT would require the -gnatW8 flag to understand you are using UTF8 for the code below, other encodings are possible. W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training. This limitation comes from its source-to-source compilation to C. Although it's perhaps not 100% clear from that description that only ASCII letters and digits are allowed, this in fact is the case as the following example shows. Not only variables may be represented in Unicode, all other language elements may be so represented. Here's some code that addresses the issue that Steven describes in the previous comment; /* This structure encodes the difference between ISO-8859-1 and Windows-1252, Despite the wide and increasing adoption of Unicode (and UTF-8 in particular) in PHP applications, PHP does not yet have a Unicode codepoint escape syntax in string literals, unlike many other languages. )As with any bitmask, they can be combined with the binary OR operator Forces the creation of an object instead of an arrayIncludes UTF8-encoded characters in the output instead of Allows encoding to continue if some unencodable values are encountered.This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by following System accept & return the value in GBK encoding, but php pass & retrieve env var in UTF-8 encoding. If you haven't guessed already: If the UTF-8 character has no representation in the ISO-8859-1 codepage, a ? Since the `code` variable seems to be taken unchanged from the string passed to mb_strtolower, it seems that size is well-controlled by an attacker in range 512-1020, while the **data** to overwrite with are much less controlled (and further investigation is needed to check what values of `code &0xffffff` can go unchanged to this point). $_REQUEST['var'] is the same as request_var('var', '');) default: The default parameter has a dual purpose. See more linked questions. This includes variable (container) names, although it does not seem to state this in the LC dictionary. In PHP, a null byte in a string does NOT count as the end of the string, and any null bytes are included in the length of the string. C has limited support for Unicode in variable names, see Annex D of the That being said, it is not currently enforced, so while you probably shouldn't, you technically can. I set an Environment variable in control panel, and retrieve the value in php by getenv. During encoding, the PHP data types string, integer, and boolean are converted to their JSON equivalent.

): The definition of Algol 68 is character set independent. A restricted form of the reference language in which such freedom has The earlier version of AutoHotkey (AutoHotkey Basic) will produce an error since it doesn't support Unicode. I will happily add further character ranges as required/requested: I simply don't know what those ranges are, but I believe that no code points in utf8 should overlap existing ascii chars such as +-* etc. Although valid in JSON, these characters are not valid in JavaScript, so the default behaviour of JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE was changed in version 7.1. computer reliably. // Reads a file story.txt ascii (as typed on keyboard) (Basically, you should convert your Unicode data to a canonical representation before storing it) Of course it's critical for Database storage, or local comparisons. As mentioned there, C has limited support for Unicode variable names which is specified in the C standard, and BaCon, being a Basic-to-C converter, therefore has the same restrictions. FreeBASIC does not allow non-ASCII characters in variable names or identifiers generally. -- Unicode works with the NetRexx built-in functions-- Note: Even with unicode characters NetRexx variables are case-insensitive% not be: means, approximately, "False". the library" was added as of S-Lang 2.0. not been exercised may be termed the "canonical form" of the language, and it is expected