Don't miss the latest deals, news, reviews, features and tutorialsThank you for signing up to Musicradar. The interface resembles the look and feel of the real synthesizer while

The arpeggiator has several modes including random and assign (though no poly mode) and like the sequencer, it syncs to MIDI-clock. Bath These are the same filters used not only in the Prophet ’08, but in many classic instruments of the 70’s and 80’s. DSI Prophet REV2 Editor VST/AU by codeKnobs (@KVRAudio Product Listing): Prophet REV2 Editor VST is a VST plugin editor for Dave Smith Instruments Prophet REV 2 synthesizer: Real Time Editing And Automation: Have all the incredible analog sound you would expect from a Dave Smith Instruments synthesizer, with the ease and reliability of modern day VST's, it's truly the best of both worlds! © It has twice the polyphony, twice the mod matrix, waveshape modulation on all waveforms, digital effects per layer in stacked or split voice mode, a polyphonic step sequencer … Also when programming and tweaking settings we often accidentally turned the Patch and/or Bank knobs rather than the Parameter and Value knobs which resulted in us completely losing our in-progress patch; perhaps a ‘long press’ mode could be implemented for the Misc parameters button which could disable the program/bank knobs (when programming). In fact, you can download the free factory patches (and aftermarket patches) for the Prophet 08 and upload them to the Rev2 and they sound nearly identical. Dave Smith Instruments I am mainly into dark tech house and some synth wave stuff. Sort results by: Submit Search! We were hoping for an analogue high-pass filter this time (like the Tempest) but that’s not included; however, there’s a decent resonant digital high-pass in the effects section and this can be modulated (along with the other FX) which is huge news! at a glance and to edit any parameter using your computer.

These effects all sound high-quality and are musically voiced to complement the DCO sound engine - each effect also has two modulatable parameters and a modulatable mix parameter (which greatly extends the usefulness of the effects and the Rev2’s general sonic palette). You can also go much deeper with the addition of the sub osc, extra voices and the modulation effects; it’s a big upgrade and sonically it’s much more appealing. the PlugSE™ allows you to automate all parameter changes.Automate the parameters and let your fingers do the playing.The Prophet REV 2 Sound Editing software is not software instrument and it will produce As one solid synthesizer which have two separate layers that shares 8 or 16 voices 2. Comparing the Prophet 08 to the Prophet Rev2 The Prophet 08 sound engine is nearly identical to the newer Prophet Rev2 synthesizer. I like system 8 for all the synths that you can use as plug outs and i really love its interface, but i used prophet in a friend's studio and the sound was simply amazing, i am afraid of menu diving though which i really hated in my virus ti and that's why i sold it. Effects parameters can be modulated through the Mod Matrix.Also present from its predecessor is an easy-to-assign Mod Matrix, now twice as big, with 8 individual slots and many more sources/destinations. We really think it’s worth the extra outlay to grab the 16-voice version as this gives you a lot of power when splitting and layering and for making huge chords or unison stacks. to disk or to use the automation during your live performance.The PlugSE™ works with any Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) or audio software (like It is compatible only with the Prophet REV2 synthesizer.

Plus, we would have included the direct bank and patch buttons from the Prophet 6; these would have enabled much quicker patch access/recall and would have allowed you to have ten patches in front of you at once. Cubase, Ableton Live, Logic, Nuendo, Digital Performer and many others) that supports Play two-fisted chords, stack two 8-voice sounds for massive, complex textures, or split the keyboard into two completely separate 8-voice instruments. These are the same filters used not only in the Prophet ’08, but in many classic instruments of the 70’s and 80’s. However, if you want precise, upfront, modern and evolving DCO-analogue sounds and atmospherics with a whole versatile bag of mod options, splits and layers, then Rev2 is very appealing and inspiring, plus right now it’s the only option (bar Alesis’ discontinued Andromeda) for a 16-voice self-contained multitimbral poly. Prophet REV2 Editor VST is a VST plugin editor for Dave Smith Instruments Prophet REV 2 synthesizer:1 person has added DSI Prophet REV2 Editor VST/AU to 1 Raising Jake Studios updates DRP2a Dynamic Range Processor mkII to v2.1.0 - New features and bug fixesFaded Instruments releases Spectral Disturbtion - Chebyshev Distortion EffectMuTools updates MuLab and MUX Modular Plug-In to v8.6.17Sonic Weaponry releases Sinewave-themed preset pack for Phase PlantSoundtrack Loops releases free Behringer RD-8 preset patterns To find out more about how each synth differs, view our The Prophet Rev2 is Dave Smith’s reimagining of his Prophet ’08 poly synth — a modern classic that has appeared on countless recordings and stages since its debut in 2007. Now the sound engine. The Prophet Rev2 gets its bold, punchy sound from its 2/4 pole, low-pass, resonant Curtis filters per voice. This works great when running Omnisphere in standalone mode and also works automatically in Ableton Live as a VST instrument.

One caveat - we loved how on the P12 you could press and hold LFO1’s button and simultaneously edit all four LFOs; you can’t do that here but it could be a future firmware improvement. After a bit of research i am in between system 8 and prophet rev2.

You can create a different sequence for each layer when you are working in stacked or split voice mode, making it a powerful tool for composition or performance. Included are 512 permanent factory programs and 512 rewritable user programs.All of this polyphonic power is packed into a five-octave, premium-quality, semi-weighted keyboard with velocity and channel aftertouch.

In stacked or split voice mode, you can apply a different effect to each layer. The sequel isn’t called the Prophet 08 Mk2 as expected - it’s the Prophet Rev2.