All rights reserved. The problem with this is that 90% of doctors know nothing about the technology or the research to support it. When we take immediate action and create an individualized plan that includes review of diet, supplements and lifestyle, we often are able to see positive changes in three to five months.Many alternative healthcare practitioners may be capable of guiding you in reversing the risks of breast cancer. It is important that women know that it is far from clear no matter how confident one’s doctor appears.After spending 10 years in integrative medicine, working with more than 5,000 patients and screening thousands of women with thermography, I would like to propose the most beneficial use of breast thermography. The risk of breast cancer at age 25 is less than one in 19,000, whereas by age 35 it is one in 217. Medical Infrared Thermography (MIT) provides a crucial entryway to preventive medicine as a method of controlling the diseases that we currently only recognize at advanced stages.MIT uses an infrared camera to see and measure thermal energy emitted from the body. The Pros and Cons of Annual Mammograms.

Thermography Pitfalls You Need to Know About. In 2019, it was estimated that about 30% of diagnosed cancers in women were breast cancer. The other little known fact is that even well-meaning doctors will stick only to “standard-of-care” procedures; those that are approved by their boards, because they risk fines, sanctions and even losing their license if they deviate from the accepted tools and methods. A recent 700-page report issued by the National Academy of Science confirms what we already know, that cumulative exposure to radiation poses serious health risks. Your information will *never* be shared or sold to a 3rd party.Get Free Updates, Exclusive Offers & Fabulous Giveaways!We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Thermography, especially DITI, is non-invasive, does not involve radiation exposure, is inexpensive, and more accessible to patients.

Do you know of any clinics in Charleston or Columbia, SC? DITI reveals temperature differences on the surface of the breasts to diagnose breast cancer. He graduated from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in 2004 and finished his clinical internship at St John’s Riverside Hospital.He is the medical director for Sophia Natural Health Center in Brookfield where his specialties are hormone conditions, allergies, pain and medical thermography. ”Some women were getting mastectomies that they didn’t need,” Dr. Baines said, and she added that there was no benefit for younger women. Mammography and thermography are two totally different tools. Dr. Cornelia Baines of the University of Toronto was quoted as saying, ”After 13 years, the number of deaths was the same in the group that had mammograms and the group that had normal medical care.”  In addition, she said mammography was finding some cancers that would never have been detected and would never have caused any problem if the women had not been screened. I feel that thermography gives a picture of breast health that mammography may not and it does it safely and effectively. Here is what they said:Basically, after the USPTF reviewed prevailing studies on mammograms, they concluded that there is little benefit of annual screening and it may lead to unnecessary risk such as radiation exposure as well as unnecessary or invasive medical treatment.The controversy continued when another study published in Canada concluded that women in their 40s reap no benefit from mammography and have real risks of harm from unnecessary treatment. It is not intended to diagnose disease but to enhance our ability to help you achieve optimal health. Mammogram Pros: best for early detection of breast lesions, it is the best researched and defined screening tool for breast lesions in non-dense breast tissue. Medical Thermography is a noninvasive thermo imaging scan that provides a color coded image of your health. However, thermography Keep reading to learn more about how this procedure stacks up against mammography, when it might be beneficial, and what to expect from the procedure.Thermography has been around since the 1950s. Admin. This technology has the capability to detect thermal radiations from any surface of any object [1]. Unfortunately, history has proven that life-saving procedures and therapies can sometimes take decades to become accepted.This does not have to be the case with Medical Infrared Thermography. And that’s where the problem starts.While it cannot be called a replacement for other types of screening it has many valuable advantages, including: earlier detection of suspicious patterns; an adjunct to inconclusive mammograms; improved detection for women with dense breasts or implants; and a reasonable alternative for women who refuse mammograms. I am well educated on sources and effects of radiation exposure. You will also need to These screenings aim to detect breast calcifications. Basically, after the USPTF reviewed prevailing studies on mammograms, they concluded that there is little benefit of annual screening and it may lead to unnecessary risk such as radiation exposure as well as unnecessary or invasive medical treatment. After decades of evolving and battling through layers of opposition, breast thermography is still one of the most misunderstood technologies in medicine. If they have one (which due to the large metroplex of DFW they probably do), my daughter is 35 and I am in my 50’s – we could go there. Thermography: pros and cons. !In the ideal world, Medical Infrared Thermography is a tool for the natural care practitioner. Again, mammograms save lives so we have to evaluate risk vs. value.For more than 20 years, Medical Infrared Thermography has been extensively studied. But in the 1970s, a study called the Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project found that thermography was Thermography isn’t considered an alternative to mammography. The whole test takes about 30 minutes.Your doctor will analyze the images, and you’ll receive the results within a few days.Thermography is a noninvasive test that uses a camera to take images of your breasts.