has been measured with all the precision necessary for the Since then, two elaborate series of observations made with the zenith telescope for the A plan of the apparatus as arranged by Ewing for the latter By means of the three-way switch C the battery current may be sent either into the primary of E, for the The needles of the primitive compasses, being made of iron, would require frequent re-magnetization, and a " stone " for the Lankester some years ago made a special study of the histology (3) of these entosternites for the Mic. 3. A fool may sometimes speak to the purpose. Sentence count:288+42Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2016-12-13. purpose. His purpose for bringing her here was unclear. It is a purposed thing and grows by plot. 540. Definition of purposed in the Definitions.net dictionary. If you win or lose, let it be on purpose. A fool may sometimes spe alBardisi purposed to proceed against Alexandria; but the troops demanded arrears of pay which it was not in his power to give, and the pasha had cut the dyke between the lakes of Aboukir and Mareotis, : 2. Purposed sentence examples Keble had purposed in his own mind to keep them beside him, correcting and improving them, as long as he lived, and to leave them … 2. Leave a comment. 0. all-purpose fast action cleaner pleasant to work with.

Example sentences with the word purposed.purposed example sentences.purposed Sentence Examples. His defending argument was well to the purpose. 647. 0. all-purpose roads, where the risks are higher, are of more concern for novices. (defeats) Used with adjectives: " What is your main purpose for being here? To secure their A convert chief named Dichu granted him a site for an establishment, and a wooden barn is stated to have been utilized for the It is obtained by breaking up the roots or rhizomes in hot water and separating the rubber, and machines have now been devised for this In British Honduras an alkaline decoction prepared from the Moon plant (Calonictyon speciosum) is used for the same Before commencing the mastication it is generally necessary to warm the apparatus by means of steam; but as the operation proceeds the heat produced requires to be moderated by streams of cold water flowing through channels provided for the Some rabbis interpreted Israel's dispersion as divinely designed for the very The Latin text is much shorter than the Welsh, but we do not know whether this abridgment was made on Those who have not seen the animal in life, or who did not believe in the possibility of the valves crossing each other with a slight obliquity, would not consent to appropriating any of its muscles to that He fixed the sum to be paid by each group of inhabitants, who then had to see that it was assessed, collected, and paid to the lord, electing commissaries (preud hommes) from among themselves for this The assessment and collection of it were the business of the community; the crown, in principle, had nothing to do with them and did not bear the cost of a local administration for the He is conceived as controlling or overcoming the forces of nature; and though an earlier mythology has supplied some of the ideas, yet, as with the opening chapters of Genesis, they are transfigured by the moral (2) The prophecy of the Chaldaeans as the instruments of the divine At Rome, in the Jubilee year 1500, he himself lectured with applause; but having been nominated in 1497 canon of the cathedral of Frauenburg, he recrossed the Alps in 1501 with the From the meridian observations of the same planets made for the The velocity of light (q.v.)

0. all-purpose council provides all of the local government services.