""Know that all Canadians are grieving with you," he said, addressing the victims' families.Transport Minister Marc Garneau said soon after the departure of the plane contact was lost. The price hasn’t changed, except to go up slightly — taxes, rents, everything. This week, the Daily Mail managed to get its hands on some previously unreleased body-camera footage of George Floyd’s arrest. If you encounter a comment that is abusive, click the "X" in the upper right corner of the comment box to report spam or abuse. In June, in the aftermath of the Lafayette Park fiasco, his advantage in the RealClearPolitics average expanded to ten points. Always.”Dadashnejad planned to become a dietitian because she was passionate about health, said her friend, who added the young woman was an avid yogi and loved spending time outdoors in Vancouver.He said she’s survived by her sister, who lives in Burnaby, B.C., and her mother and father who live in Tehran.Langara College president Lane Trotter offered condolences in a statement.“We are heartbroken over the fatal tragedy that took place; our thoughts and prayers are with those in mourning.”Nasim Rahmanifar, a master’s student in the University of Alberta’s mechanical engineering department, was nervous about her first winter in Edmonton.“She was so excited to go back … she planned to surprise her mom,” her friend Sina Esfandiarpour told Edmonton media at a news conference.He said he received a text from Rahmanifar from the airport that she was on her way back and she wasn’t looking forward to the cold weather.“She was afraid,” said Esfandiarpour. Iran’s Disaster Mitigation and Management Organization said early assessments indicate the cause was a technical issue; the transport ministry initially suggested an engine fire was to blame.Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne expressed condolences in a tweet. The U.S. embassy in Ottawa also lowered its flag.Canadian Foreign Minister François-Philippe Champagne confirmed at least 63 Canadians died and as more information becomes available, including details on dual citizens, the number of deceased Canadians could change. In 1985 a bomb exploded and killed 329 people aboard an Air India flight. The group proceeded to lead several days of protests effectively besieging the American embassy in Baghdad.Get breaking news, with NR's unfiltered reporting, delivered straight to your inbox Bush, died this week at the age of 95. Paseyan said he often would go to the gym with the father and described him as a nice guy who often visited his former restaurant with his family.He said most of victims were visiting family in Iran over the holidays and that many were dual citizens and many were international students. The couple — who some friends nicknamed “Sami and Hami” — were in Iran for a month-long visit with their families, Smith said.She said Setareh was working on his PhD in engineering, taught at the University of Windsor part time and had a dog-grooming business on the side. Mahdi Sadeghi was a board member for the Iranian association and Hajesfandiari volunteered at a Persian school.Soltani was at their home about two weeks before they left. “We attempt to work as an international community on big issues. Trudeau said Canada was not informed ahead of time of the U.S. strike, but that he would have preferred advance notice.NR's afternoon roundup of the day's best commentary & must-read analysis.“The U.S. makes its determinations,” Trudeau said. A large number of the victims were from Edmonton, Alberta.“It’s been a very heavy week for us with all the events that have taken place since the start of the new year,” Sara Alimardani, president of the Iranian Women’s Organization of Ontario said in an email. Students and staff who knew her turned her desk into a makeshift memorial on Wednesday, with white flowers and cards placed next to a picture of her signature smile.“She always had this smile on her face,” said Mohsen Zandimoghadam, who was a friend of Oladi.“She was a nice and kind girl, she always wanted to explore places and discover new things in life and new places… she had so many plans for her life in Canada.”Friends of a man who runs a bakery in North Vancouver say the crash left his small family shattered.Amir Pasavand who owns Amir Bakery in North Vancouver lost his daughter, 17-year-old Fatemah Pasavand, and his 36-year-old wife, Ayeshe Pourghaderi, a family friend confirmed.“The family supplied bread to my store,” said Reza Varasteh, owner of Vanak Market and Deli, which is across the street from Amir Bakery.The mother and daughter went to Iran about a month ago on vacation, he said adding that he has known the family for about five years.He described the family as hardworking and Pourghadheri as pleasant.Varasteh said Amir Pasavand left for Tehran Wednesday morning to be with his family.Fatemah Pasavand is a student at Carson Graham Secondary School in North Vancouver and was going to turn 18 this month, he said.“The dad was wishing he was in the airplane instead of them,” he said.