(1) means any amount paid or incurred by a homeowner for a qualified home energy efficiency retrofit, including the cost of diagnostic procedures, labor, reporting, and modeling; and(B) any amount paid or incurred to purchase or install a biomass, wood, or wood pellet furnace, boiler, or stove, unless the system—(i) is designed to meet at least 70 percent of the heating demands of the home;(ii) in the case of woodstoves, is certified by the Environmental Protection Agency;(iii) in the case of a wood stove replacement, replaces an existing wood stove with a stove that is certified by the Environmental Protection Agency, if a voucher is provided by the installer or other responsible party certifying that the old stove has been removed and made inoperable;(iv) in the case of a furnace or boiler, is in a home with a distribution system (such as piping, ducts, vents, blowers, or affixed fans) that allows heat from the furnace or boiler to reach all or most parts of the home; and(v) is certified by an independent test laboratory approved by the Secretary as having—(I) thermal efficiency (with a high heating value) of at least 75 percent for stoves and 80 percent for furnaces and boilers;(II) particulate emissions of less than 3.0 grams per hour for wood stoves or pellet stoves; and(III) less than 0.07 lbs per million BTU for outdoor boilers and furnaces.

(A) to advise State and local entities regarding low-income solar policy, regulatory, and program design to continue and expand the work of the entities;(B) to foster community outreach and education regarding the benefits of photovoltaic solar energy for low-income and disadvantaged communities; or(C) to provide apprenticeship program opportunities registered and approved by—(i) the Office of Apprenticeship of the Department of Labor pursuant to part 29 of title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (or successor regulations); or(ii) a State Apprenticeship Agency recognized by that Office. (1) Quality-of-service standards, as specified by the Assistant Secretary. (1) by redesignating paragraph (12) as paragraph (15);(2) by redesignating paragraphs (4) through (11), as amended, as paragraphs (5) through (12), respectively; and(3) by adding after paragraph (3) the following new paragraph:“(i) an overall plan for revitalization of brownfield sites in the area in which the multi-purpose grant will be used;“(ii) the capacity to conduct the range of eligible activities that will be funded by the multi-purpose grant; and“(iii) that a multi-purpose grant is appropriate for meeting the needs of the area in which the grant will be used. (F) ocean (including tidal, wave, current, and thermal) energy;(A) heating energy in the form of hot water or steam that is used to provide space heating, domestic hot water, or process heat; or(B) cooling energy in the form of chilled water, ice, or other media that is used to provide air conditioning, or process cooling. Adopted as Local Law 91 of 2016, the 2016 New York City Energy Conservation Code (NYCECC), based on the State Code and further modified, also went into effect on October 3, 2016.
All revisions to the Energy Code must be incorporated into a local law that is approved by the New York City Council and signed into law by the Mayor.To aid the process, the Department organized an Advisory Committee to review the technical and administrative provisions of the Energy Code. (A) potential benefits of concentrated investments in smart city or community technologies relating to public safety that are repeatable and scalable; and(B) the efficiency, reliability, and resilience of civic infrastructure and services;(2) to facilitate the adoption of advanced smart city or community technologies and systems; and(3) to demonstrate protocols and standards that allow for the measurement and validation of the cost savings and performance improvements associated with the installation and use of smart city or community technologies and practices. (1) $50 for each rebate review and submission provided under the Program;(2) $250 for each field inspection conducted under the Program; or(3) such other amounts as the Secretary considers necessary to carry out the quality assurance provisions of this part. In addition, FEMP and the U.S. Department of Energy publish notices and rules related to federal energy management. (2) to increase the efficiency and cost effectiveness of civic operations and services;(4) to create a community that is safer and more secure, sustainable, resilient, livable, and workable. THE RESIDENTIAL RENT STABILIZATION AND ARBITRATION ORDINANCE. comparison of the energy performance of homes with and without energy

(A) subject to subparagraph (B), shall provide to a unit of local government selected under this section for the conduct of a demonstration project a grant in an amount equal to not more than 50 percent of the total cost of technology investments to incorporate and assess smart city or community technologies in the applicable jurisdiction; but(B) may waive the cost-share requirement of subparagraph (A) as the Secretary determines to be appropriate. Adopted as Local Law 048 of 2020 (Introduction No. (A) require the Secretary to rescind any amounts provided to the eligible entity that are not used during the 2-year period beginning on the date on which the amounts are initially distributed to the eligible entity, except in any case in which the eligible entity has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Secretary that a longer period, not to exceed 3 years after the date of initial distribution, is necessary to deliver proposed services;(B) for a loan provided under this section, establish—(i) an interest rate equal to the then-current cost of funds to the Department of the Treasury for obligations of comparable maturity to the loan; and(ii) a payout time that maximizes the savings to subscribers during the effective period of the agreement; and(C) contain such other terms as the Secretary may require to ensure compliance with the requirements of this section. Use the 2020 NYCECC version for ECC compliance and the 2020 NYCECC Appendix CA (modified ASHRAE 90.1-2016) version or the 2020 NYCECC Appendix CA Modeling Envelope Backstop for compliance with that standard.Energy Modeling: For more complex energy modeling, including where trade-offs among disciplines, a DOE2-based The following documents must be completed and submitted to the Department in order to ensure all work is in compliance with the New York City Energy Conservation Code (NYCECC) and before the Department can sign-off on all completed work:Design applicants are required to update their drawings, including the energy analysis, when conditions result in a design change during construction (Section ECC 103.4).