The A-135 (NATO: ABM-3 Gorgon) is a Russian anti-ballistic missile system deployed around Moscow to intercept incoming warheads targeting the city or its surrounding areas. Presumably, the deployment site of the A-235 missile defense system will be the former base area of the A-135 missile defense system near Moscow.

The new system should replace the current one — A-135. The United States, Russia, Taiwan, India, France, Israel, Italy, United Kingdom and China have all developed missile defense systems.

The system is operated by the 9th Division of Anti-Missile Defence, part of the The A-135 system attained "alert" (operational) status on February 17, 1995.

Experimental and combat training tests of the A-235 were planned to be held in 2013. Signed in 1972, it was in … The first draft design of the ABM A-235 system was probably protected in 1985–1986.

The system was designed in the Soviet Union and entered service in 1995. A-235 PL-19 Nudol (Russian: Система А-235 / РТЦ-181М RTTs-181M / Нудоль) is a Russian anti-ballistic missile and anti-satellite weapon system in development. According to the plan, the complex will have the capabilities to intercept the warheads of ballistic missiles, as well as spacecraft.

406/1591 31 January 1991 with the NIIRP to modernize the missile defense system, work to expand the combat capabilities of the A-135 system in terms of increasing the distant border of the affected area, increasing the maneuverability of the missile, and equipping new missiles to the combat unit (all together known as the OCD "Samolet-M").

The 53T6 (NATO reporting name: ABM-3 Gazelle, previously SH-08) is a Russian anti-ballistic missile. By the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No.

Russian missiles perform a wide variety of missions, from anti-access/area denial in local conflicts to delivery of strategic nuclear weapons across continents.

The system was designed by the Research Institute of Radio Instrument Engineering (NIIRP) of the Vimpel Central Scientific Industrial Association from 1986. An anti-ballistic missile (ABM) is a surface-to-air missile designed to counter ballistic missiles (missile defense). According to foreign media reports, on 18 November 2015, the first successful launch of the Nudol missile and the third launch in the missile test program took place.

661-202 15 July 1985, NIIRP, as a subdivision of Vympel, became the leading enterprise of Russia in the multi-echelon ABM system as a whole, in the ground ABM system and the information system for the ABM system.

The missile is able to intercept incoming re-entry vehicles at a distance of 80 km. Though the nature of the air defense system which was being tested was not mentioned it has been widely speculated to have been a test of the S-500 Prometheus long-range surface to air missile system which entered early production earlier in the year. Also, according to the expert, due to the secrecy of the project, accurate information on the A-235 system is currently not available, but it can be hypothetically assumed that the following three principles are taken into account in the tactical and technical task: first, the system must be capable of non-nuclear interception, since the earlier anti-missile projects were equipped with a nuclear warhead, which significantly narrowed the scope of their possible use, moreover, the use of anti-missiles with special charges Eski meant the beginning of

The name of the technical rocket complex of the modernized missile defense system of Moscow was RTTs-181M. Designed in 1978 and in service since 1995, it is a component of the A-135 anti-ballistic missile system. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation In 2012, the concern Almaz-Antey held an autonomous preliminary test of the components of the complex 14TS033.

Russia is also making major advancements in the field of precision guided cruise missiles. A significant modernization program continues in Russia, producing new variants of both ballistic and cruise missiles with significant new capabilities.