These reports required the school bus to be “in the vicinity” when a student fatality occurred.In comparison, STN’s data included deaths that occurred when students were walking to or from a school bus stop, plus crossing incidents when a school bus was not in the area.For example, the national survey reported there were 10 crossing deaths for the 2013-2014 school year. Find the latest vehicle production data, state student ridership and budget reports, industry trends and contact information for state,... About 5% were school bus passengers, 4% were school bus drivers, and 2% were pedalcyclists.

Pop quiz: What’s the difference between cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting a school bus?

The reasons cited included mechanical or medical issues that happened while the bus was in operation.STN also found that weather and road conditions were a factor in many crashes, especially during the winter months. That figure is similar to NHTSA data that indicates an average of four to six children are killed each school year while riding the school bus.In September 2018, an 8-year-old girl in Missouri was waiting to board a school bus when she was struck by a vehicle, which then left the scene of the accident. KSDE’s survey asked states to report fatalities recorded by local and state police crash reports.

The national loading and unloading survey mirrors this statistic, reporting that 21 children of the same age range were hit and killed from 2013-2017.The National School Bus Loading and Unloading Survey report showed that students who are ages 9 and under account for the largest percentage of fatalities, 73.2 percent (906 fatalities), since the early 1970s. School bus accidents resulting in loss of life remain a rare occurrence. Twenty-four percent of the injuries occurred while children were entering or exiting a school bus, CIPP found. Instead, these crashes are due in part to driver error and not knowing how to drive in various weather conditions.A total of five students, plus one adult volunteer and five bus drivers, were killed while riding a school bus the last school year, the wire reports show. Of the people injured in school bus-related crashes from 2008 to 2018, about 36% were school bus passengers, 8% were school bus drivers, and 51% were … Of the 1,365 crashes that were reported to have occurred this past school year, there were at least 2,551 injuries to both school bus student passengers and passengers in other vehicles that were involved in the crash. Although four to six school-age children die each year on school transportation vehicles, that’s less than one percent of all traffic fatalities nationwide.

Read more on In December 2018, a five-year-old boy Silus Hunsinger was hit by a pick-up truck while crossing the road to his school bus stop in front of his home.

Fatality data for 2016 and 2017 deaths are NSC tabulations of Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data.Injuries – National Center for Statistics and Analysis.

School bus transportation data accessed Nov. 6, 2019, from © 2020 National Safety Council. The school bus had not yet arrived on the scene.Then four deaths on a school bus took place in December. Destiny P. Chambers was crossing the roadway to her bus, which was waiting with lights flashing and its door open.Also in September 2018, a three-vehicle accident in Pennsylvania killed 35-year-old bus driver Sarah Katherine Slovinksy.The month of October 2018 alarmed many industry professionals, as A day prior to the Indiana deaths, a 10-year-old boy in Georgia died after being hit by an illegally passing vehicle while crossing the road to board his school bus. For an unknown reason, Crump darted into the road and into the path of a Jeep, killing her.While 2018-2109 school bus deaths onboard the bus appear to align with recent figures, the noteworthy abnormality was the number of students who were injured or killed while crossing the street to their school bus or school bus stop, students hit by illegally passing vehicles, and students who were struck while walking on the side of the road to or from their school bus stop.It should also be noted that there is a potential discrepancy between STN and national loading and unloading zone data.

The worst school bus accident in U.S. history was the Prestonsburg, Kentucky, disaster of 1958. According to the NHTSA, there were a total of 1,344 fatalities in traffic accidents involving school buses between 2004 and 2013 in the United States – an average of almost 134 fatal accidents each year. © 2020 School Transportation News. (2017). Those began in Arkansas, where a charter school bus left the road and flipped over, killing 9-year-old Also in the midwest, a school bus was hit head-on by a semi-truck in Illinois, killing 72-year-old volunteer Additionally, in North Carolina, a school bus driver suffered a medical event and crashed the school bus into a building. More details are also available by hovering over the red circular crash symbols. All rights reserved.School bus-related crashes killed 117 people nationwide in 2018, according to National Safety Council (NSC) tabulations of data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).A school bus-related crash is defined by NHTSA as any crash in which a vehicle, regardless of body design, used as a school bus is directly or indirectly involved. Deaths for 2007-2015 – National Center for Statistics and Analysis. The 63-year-old bus driver, Kam Po Lau, died, but students were not riding on the bus at the time of that crash.And again in October, a district mechanic for Pulaski County Special School District in Arkansas was killed after being run over by the school bus he was driving. Over the 10-year period, 106 passengers or drivers were killed -- that's fewer than 11 a year on average. However, the driver, whose name and age were not released, died as a result of the medical emergency and not the ensuing crash.Also in January, 75-year-old bus driver Thomas Leed died of a heart attack while driving and crashed into parked cars.
