The other day soon after I’d finished praying a white feather floated down from nowhere onto my balcony and for the the last couple of days I’m seeing feathers all over the place.

A sign from a feather happens when from nowhere, a feather just pops up in front of you. If he is really trying to tell you something, a medium can relay it to you.My family has been blessed with many white feathers in very unusual places since the passing of my grandson. It’s always when we least expect a sign, we recieve one.Last night as I was trying to settle my mind by practicing breathing through heart space and getting ready for sleep. It is not often you find a feather of many colours. Our angels like to send us signs to let us know they are listening and working on our prayers and requests. To see a number of feathers floating in the air, whatever their color, means you will have a chance to fulfill your desires. Finding a white feather can usually be taken as a sign that your angels are watching over you. So Exciting! Signs from your guardian angel can include repeating numbers, feathers, coins, rainbows, clouds, tingling, smells, orbs, epiphanies, animals, plants, dreams. So if you have a feeling that the feather that has appeared before you is a sign, then have faith in that.When you can across a feather on your life path, you might be wondering what sign it is bringing into your life. And they was still appearing everywhere. I have here focused on white but I have also covered other colors which I will outline below.Exactly. I like to think they denote that your receiving a sacred gift from above. Did you feel loved? In Native America, each color has its own spiritual understanding and meaning. I realize when I began to have doubts, I saw more feathers. As I open my door I see a white feather directly in the middle of my seat. We even had two weaved through clothing.

They love to be thanked and will send you more if asked.I just bought a Dyson vacuum cleaner. Have you been seeing pure white or pure black feathers (black is especially protective) on your path when you are out and about. Ever since then I’ve always taken notice whenever I see a feather. The kids have been bugging us for a while to go but something always seemed to come up.Halfway through the museum my son had peed his pants.
I mumbled again “Ha, Is this my angels?” as I turn on my ignition my bluetooth connects and a song called Angel by Massive Attack comes on. !I began to seeing white feathers in my home. Seeing a white feather could be a direct communication from the angel to pass a message from your deceased loved ones that, they are well and safe in heaven.Feathers connect to wings of birds and it has been known to represent a metaphor; a celestial connection to heaven as well as a representation of rebirth, love, new beginnings, protection, and truth. The house represents safety, security, and the place of comfort where you can be yourself.

Are you connected to communication, awareness, and is often a reminder to listen careful or to speak your truth, clearly and lovingly as your heart as the filter?Have you asked your angels to activate your healing power, for regeneration of your physical body on your healing journey or to help you protect yourself and strengthen your connection to the Divine? Feathers connect easily to wings and bird and wings are a symbol of freedom or flight. It is the colour that helps you go in-between and see more than meets the eye.When the information you need is about the mental or emotional world, a grey feather is telling you there is an alternative point of view you may not have seen yet. So I looked it up and come across your page. A green feather is a great sign for letting you know that action is now required and what you are doing is making life easier right now.Green feathers can also serve as reminder to calm yourself, your body, and your mind. Orange tones vary between Apricot, Amber, Peach, Tangerine, and Coral. Although white feathers are the most commonly recognized ‘angel feathers', the angels may use feathers of any color and size. It makes these signs so much more real.Idunno why does feathers keeps appearing in my room even though i dont have love ones who died except to my baby cousin who died 5 years ago i also see a black feather appear in my room mwehehe : /Thanks for sharing. More often than not, it represents the presence of an angel. Should you find a pile of different coloured feathers, then this too is a definite sign meant for you. Should a pink feather make its way into your life and you have asked a question about love, then the answer that you seek is on its way. It is truly about your intentions and what you assign to them, so being open is the most important thing.If I find a feather of a unique colour, that can be extra meaningful to me. You’ll find yourself thinking of someone in particular or remembering a moment from your past involving that person. I told them what it meant and they were so loving and respectful. There been lots of bad things happening to me, but the white feathers telling me that God’s is watching over me and my family. I think he is looking down at you too.It’s my nans birthday today, I work in a factory and a white feather floated into my left hand from no wereThanks for sharing. It can also be a sign of sexual or creative healing, healing from inflammation, colds or even depression.It is a sign of all things emotional from passion for a creative idea, healing sexual energy, to reminders of being more spontaneous and having some fun. There is something special about feathers that our subconscious recognises whenever we see them. White feathers can symbolize many things. When I picked it up something happened I suddenly accepted he was gone. I realize now it’s GOD’S way of protecting us. Finding a white feather is a symbol that your angels are near. Finances are tight, and the world is in the grip of a pandemic. A white feather can be a representation of your deceased loved one in the form of a spirit, at peace and watching over you.