Franky’s changing gender expression and generally acting like a straight girl, while being really fucking unhappy with everything, looks a lot like being a closeted pansexual and genderqueer person.Amazing commentary. Although I’m holding out hope that episode nine, “Mini & Franky,” will basically be the two of them on ecstasy in bed making collages in their underpants, thus far last year’s sexual tension has vanished into the ether along with Franky’s Oxfords.Season Six debuts with the gang, clearly unfamiliar with photographs, telephones and, vacationing in Morocco at a hotel situation that lacks beds, water, a functional pool, toilets or anything they’d allegedly paid for.

All Rights Reserved. It’s so frustrating!I can deffinetly agree with this! She controls her friends with bitchiness and controls boys with her conventional good looks, choosing a boyfriend that consolidates her own power.In her own episode, she carefully weighs out her food, another sign of control issues/pandering to gender pressures. You are showing the show a heck of a lot more respect than it shows you.

There is a lot we don’t know about all of these characters’ pasts, but childhood sexual abuse does not seem unlikely. Personally, I don’t defend things that ridicule me or trivialize my sexual orientation. To arbitrarily change characters from one episode to the next creates implausibility. I invested everything into season 5 for one reason – Franky and Matty. For this gen, I thought last series (5), had interesting stories poorly executed (seriously, the first episode felt so stilted and awkward I almost stopped watching). In fact, she’s pregnant (like Jal!

I’m so disappointed that the writers have sacrificed interesting characters for no real reason, and I’d much rather Skins were axed now than have to endure another two seasons of watching alternative characters get ‘fixed’ by their new friends, only to become generic and dull.Totally agree. As soon as Bryan came back on board, rumors came out they would no longer head there. When the excruiciatingly annoying Matty first claps eyes on Franky, he calls her a “glorious headfuck thing.” I never bought it. Michelle explains all about clothes for every occasion. would lead to her wardrobe change. Effy sends out messages during a stop in her road trip with Cook via webcam to her brother and mum. Two people who have/had an attraction not sleeping is not implausible. And the explanation is nowhere. I thought Skins was going to do the most revolutionary thing they could have possibly done with a couple: let them just be happy and stable. Emily has a project: getting her neighbours to get it on. You should’ve been brave and wanted me back.” I really wish you had just let the article be as I have quoted you here, because I am not in your ‘niche, as you describe. Nothing that has happened to her this season has seemed hugely unlikely or out of character to me* – her sexual dysfunction spiral thing, her relationship with Matty, how she gets in so deep with Luke was all hinted at in her freak out with Matty at the end of last season. Would I like her to be a lesbian? The article cited Skins, along with two or three other dramas (more geared to adults), as being the few in the last decade or so that have actually captured the feel of modern Britain. They just changed because the guy who used to run the show came back and decided to put his own imprint on the show.

in the “I want to just be” ep. What did cook do too john foster? Mini needs to be in control of everything at all times and Franky was shaking things up. Though I was still devastated when they killed off Chris (one of my favorite Skins characters ever).Whereas, with Series 4, both Thomas’s episode and much of that Freddie/Effy plot came completely out of nowhere (it’s true that Effy clearly had a lot of problems from S1 onwards, but the way they went about it just seemed excessive, especially with the killer psychiatrist part), and in Series 6 that seems to be what they’re doing with all the characters now.>a person can fuck up their entire life these days without leaving the couchHonestly, I think this news has been a long time coming. Not that we’ll get it.You don’t need to call women whores because they have a lot of sex, don’t you think?I think this is the first time I heard what I feel about my gender expressed on TV, ever: “I tried today and now I feel kind of less like me, and I’m not exactly over the moon about being me in the first place, but now I think I kinda like it less when I’m trying NOT to be me. I think that yes, they messed up this season, and yes, this cast is past the point of no return, but the premise of the show is still good, and us teens need a show that has the balls, in a manner of speaking, to say it like it is and show us that the things we deal with everyday are things that teens everywhere deal with. RDNA 3 on the next-gen 5nm node by TSMC: We heard back in May 2020 that AMD would be tapping TSMC's next-gen 5nm node for its upcoming RDNA 3 architecture. i LOVED S5.

It seems to be a general consensus that we will see the following in each generation:– a betrayal of a male character towards another male he is close to so that he can have the girl (think Tony/Sid regarding Michelle; Cook/Freddy regarding Effy and Matty/Nick regarding Franky).I think the writers need a wake up call.