You are strong and don't need that mask. Are there any songs about being depressed an emo, but wearing a mask of happiness, pretending everything is alright? I know this mask will never come off, not even when I die because I have never let anyone know the real me.I didn't have as much of a hard time as you did. A good poem...describing modern human beings in fake masks. Will I ever find any one to help bring me out of the darkness? !I go to workshops with women who are hiding behind many issues, like the person in this poem. It is important to find inner strength and help yourself when you are down.
I'll post it on YouTube for you and your love one to see and I'll make sure to give you full credit for the lyrics. I am right now in 2015 twelve years old. Amy Studt - Nobody. I know how bad bullying can be, and I also know how dear a Gran can be. I've been reading it for at least 10 years now and it hits so close to home. Today is the day. It's been a hard life now. Mine won't be with us for much longer, but I hope to see her at the end of the year. We deny our heartaches and problems. It is a illness like so many others and you do not deserve suffering. I have been bullied a lot of time, and it bothers me a lot. I am 13 years of age at the moment. There's so much support out there for you, no matter what your experiences have been. I've been so sad and depressed because of the fact I haven't found someone. Started attending poetry sessions, I began to remove that mask. Jesus. And when I get home, the mask comes off. I was lonely. But sometimes, let us be honest with our feelings. I love you always, know this.I wear a 'mask' every day, not really feeling like anyone can see the real me. He will wipe your tears away and fill that emptiness you feel inside. They started treating me the way I was treating others. I believe that if I take my mask off that people will start to hurt. I believe that people look too when they are down and if I take my mask off they will be lost.I do the same thing.

I know you don't know me, but I want you to know I care about you and what you are going through. I have feltMy mom got sick in November of 2006. But all the misery went away when I was in high school because I came popular, and the worst thing is that I started bullying other kids.

I thought if I just cut my ties with certain people I would be fine, but they keep coming around. Another one will talk trash about you while you hear it. There are a lot of them. This is how I feel most of the time, I need to tell the world that I'm okay, for I want to encourage them to live life to the fullest. I say I was because I can't find who I am anymore. So I can relate to this poem and it makes me feel better to know that I am not the only person like this. In middle school, my mask shifted from the book to the mask in the poem, the one you wear on your face. I did not know the exact reason for them. Everyone thinks I'm dumb because I am not perfect with understanding English. At least find a reason to give one smile a day, even if it's hard.I can totally feel your pain I am always getting bullied at school, made fun of in public and being abused because I am different. It seems like the happier I begin to get someone or something interrupts it.
Sometimes I just don't want to wake up anymore. I guess I am scared, but in order for me to move on with my life with family and friends I hide behind a mask until one day it will come off. Yes depression is a real thing, but when you bring it to Jesus nothing is impossible. Let us be bold enough to show to the world that we are vulnerable. I was always hiding behind my book, which was my mask. Thankfully, I know I’ll get a little better when summer comes around because of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), so hopefully that’ll help. Once I was an outcast with only a few friends who weren't great friends, and deep down I despised myself but outwardly smiled so people didn't know the pain I was going through. But always remember, even the loneliest person in the world can be happy, by God's grace! !I know you don't know me, but I agree with Anonymous and Debra because I have to same problem, and I'm in the 8th grade. I don't know what I am anymore; all I have is this empty hole. What ever made my smile turn sad, maybe it was the fake mask I had. I'm just craving for love and care. I am also 12 turning 13, and all my friends think that I am the silly, funny person in our group, but every night I cry to bed thinking of my gran who died. We need to know that God is our refuge and the source of our strength whenever trials pave the way.I used to have depression and anxiety. I put a mask on every day and it hurts more and more every day I put this mask on.