That title and 1.00 might buy you a cup of coffee somewhere. The six crew members were taken to another hospital for observation.Bosco said there was no advance warning of any possible problem before the landing.He said the nose gear of the plane collapsed when it landed at 5:40 p.m., and "the aircraft skidded down the runway on its nose and then veered off and came to rest in the grass area. The CFM56-7B engine has 24 fan blades installed in the fan disk. But it isn't really that funny. His "can't fathom" is just a term to describe how incredulous the situation is. Heck, decades ago my airline used to operate the A-300-B4 into KLGA. with slightly vulgar language in a loud tone asking what they were going to do with him.

We haven't been in a situation that would require us to take back control at 400'; to boot in this situation, NTSB says nose was up and all appeared normal.

Seems to me that trying to talk someone through stick and rudder movements in a jet that eventually struck hard enough, in a nose down attitude, hard enough to drive the gear through the E&E compartment is the wrong approach. I have started talking to my FO when he/she is not flying as I think he/she should, could. NTSB/AAR-19/03 . At a 3 degree GS, (300 feet per NM), they were just over a mile from touchdown. NTSB I am speculating here, but if you look at the initial reports it seemed like maybe the SWA profile coupled with that particular app/runway was making her uncomfortable...No sir. later he came back on the freq. Keep us posted on anything else your chatter brings out. Two hours later, the airport's other runway reopened for traffic. "He said the collapse closed the airport for more than an hour. In its report, the Board describes the engine failure. Southwest Flight 345 Accident: NTSB reports the aircraft pitched downward in the final four-seconds, landed on the nose gear Posted on July 26, 2013 by NTSB is continuing their outstanding effort to quickly share investigative information with the public.

A man acts stupid. Now, it seems that you're finally getting the import of the objections of the most experienced pilots here about the cultural implications impacting the cockpit CRM.

The NTSB determined that the captain's failure to take control until the plane had descended to only 27 ft (8.2 m) "did not allow her adequate time to correct the airplane's deteriorating energy state and prevent the nose landing gear from striking the runway. A Question then, Captain Duggan. She had only been in there twice, that day included, and only as the PNF.

NDB approach down to mins. Let people die BUT do not correct the wrong doing BECAUSE it is being done by a senior of sorts !

Get the latest breaking news delivered straight to your inbox.Copyright © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. I am hearing "chatter" that this is a SW/AT mixed marriage in the cockpit and that the pilot integration is not as smooth as one might imagine.I figured that would get a response from I really, really hate to allow sexism (or racism, or ANY other "ism")in to cloud my judgement. And, the weather data definitely shows significant shifting winds that would eventually necessitate runway changes by ATC. The command in a rapidly deteriorating situation is "GO AROUND"!!! Yeah, I've landed at KLGA. The Labor and Justice departments will start demanding some sort of compliance and annual re-education for ATPs.As far as whether the Captain of the flight was a female--the initial ATC call-in to the Tower was a female so we can probably say she was the pilot not flying at the time. An unstabilized approach should never be allowed to continue into an unsafe and uncomfortable situation. It's quick and easy to that said, I saw the reconstruction and have read the reports many times over.

I know in the "old days" we learned from another pilot. However. So, since the Huffington article said of the copilot, "he's logged about ___ hours .

As long as the last one guides the process, the resident continues to operate. Interesting that the website with Mark Robidoux just did an article on that today. "They make for good television, but this is far down the list of nightmares for pilots. Similar to the A-300-600 that American Airlines, and others, used to operate. I know what you mean. She and some family members were coming to New York for a visit. "When we got ready to land, we nosedived," said a passenger, Sgt. The result was landing half way down the runway, in blinding snow and rolling off the end. But, it is the correct answer. So, while the cause of this late and dangerous pitch was most likely windshifts, a contributing factor may have been that the crew was rushed.One detail remains not yet clear: when did the windshift actually occur?

The captain of Southwest Flight 345, whose nose gear was broken while landing at LaGuardia Airport in New York last month, took control of the … Woman/women are likely to say " How stupid MEN are". Except the B-4 was a 3-person cockpit).A retired pilot suggests the short runway may have led the captain to pitch down to avoid touching down down the runway and using the length of the runway, specifically might have been trying to avoid crossing the intersection runway which would delay getting back to the gate.Crap, MDW only has 6500 and that is a hub, focus city, whatever, but they are in/out of there many times daily with that same type aircraft.And they know how to get it stopped at MDW, my legs were wobbly for several days after experiencing the G forces it took. Someone (gearup328) beat me to the answer. Southwest has responded by … I'm sure that someone in this thread will take the bait.Not really. By using and further navigating this website, you accept this.Did you know that FlightAware flight tracking is supported by advertising?You can help us keep FlightAware free by allowing ads from "C'mon, give him a thumbs up, the old guy was funny!!

In eight years of military flying, 28 years of flying for a major airline, I have seen 1 occasion of the captain taking command in such a situation and have taken command of the aircraft myself when the situation demanded, repeat demanded, I do so. behind a Slowtation holding short of 28L at PBI. Adopted November 19, 2019 .