This is the struggle of black police officers, then and now. 4. I often think that it is we who are in the Police Force, not just him: we signed up; we joined back in January 2007.I think this was our first major barny and I yelled and screamed at him that I was a grown and independent woman. Within 10 minutes it became very clear that if a relationship with a police officer was anything like trying to carry on a simple phone conversation with a police officer, "challenging" was going to be an understatement.

If you need to flag this entry as abusive, A weekly guide to improving all of the relationships in your lifeA weekly guide to improving all of the relationships in your lifePart of HuffPost News.

After I had settled down, we sat together and he explained that because I now live with a police officer who is aware of all my actions, my making decisions like that could very well not just cause ME severe consequences, but could also cost him his career and livelihood. All rights reserved.Being married to a Police Officer is totally different than being married to a regular Joe. Bonus: Mom and dad will be impressed, too.

3. The life of dating a police officer isn’t for everyone,  but when it’s a good match, it’s much easier to work through the challenges together.Looking for dates in Nottinghamshire? "I have not lost a single point since I met hubby now, and you really need to watch your driving as a police spouse, especially in a small town. They are not general public any longer. Charges were not brought against the officers involved. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. It's a rough gig. Double your chances and give 12 Signs That the Guy You're Dating Is a Serial WomaniserBack to December: The Best Online Date I’ve Ever HadThe Health Benefits of Sex and the Side Effects of Sexual Deprivation An officer’s job is summed up with “To serve and protect.” Your date will be looking out for the innocent and making citizens feel safe and secure. ©2020 Verizon Media.

You take the good with the bad, however at the end of the day it all comes to the individual people and situation.
First of all, Heidi McDonald had some fantastic points - read her answer for a great first-hand account.
Like dating anyone with a demanding career, dating a police officer is definitely full of lots of highs and lows. Bob Kroll (Editor’s note: Jamar Clark, 24, from Minneapolis was killed during a struggle with police. It was MY choice, MY car, MY bad decision to make and MY consequences to suffer. And even aside from the mindset and acceptance of brutality and the 'us vs. them mentality', the police 'benevolent societies, unions' etc. Being married to a police officer is totally different than being married to a regular Joe.It is a responsibility, a burden and an honor/blessing for those of you who are religious. seem to go out of their way to make sure that officers are mostly supported by other police families. It was then I realized that not only was my husband (to be) a police officer, but exactly what that meant to me, as his wife, and how I must now behave in a much more mature fashion and take responsibility for his job as well as my actions. If you check out the costume section of any adult novelty store it’s obvious that a lot of people fantasise about dating a law enforcement officer (or at the very least, getting naked with them!) However, as much as Like dating anyone with a demanding career, dating a police officer is definitely full of lots of highs and lows. 2. Trust me.So, those are my top 10 tips to being married to a police officer. You take the good with the bad, however at the end of the day it all comes to the individual people and situation. My poor choices were no longer my own to make and from then on he drove me to Coles every weekend for three months. This results in a general enhanced awareness of their situation at all times.

Now what is it with you? I honestly had never considered it from the point of view that with the knowledge of what I was doing, he would be put between a rock and a very hard place with severe ramifications for him at one end.