Thanos then promised that once his goal was completed, half of Having manifested the Time Stone into his hand, Strange regretfully considered his decision to go against his vow as one of the As Thanos basked in his victory, he was suddenly struck by multiple blaster shots, as Since Thanos still continued making his way towards the Mind Stone, the Finally, Thanos reached the Stone, as Scarlet Witch then unleashed a blast of energy to try and hold him back while she continued trying to destroy the Stone to keep Thanos from completing his goal.

With all the Asgardians defeated, Maw then bowed down before Thanos and offered him the Tesseract, expressing his admiration of Thanos' might while Thanos then removed his Seemingly pledging the allegiance to Thanos once again, naming his titles in doing so while also referring to himself as the rightful king of Declaring that he should have chosen his words more wisely, Thanos proceeded to lift up up the God of Mischief by his throat as Loki desperately attempted to break free, while gasping for air.

He is surprisingly patient, as he keeps a low profile, lurking in the shadows and making others do his work for him even after centuries of failure. While Thanos was choked by Captain Marvel's grasp, Recovering from the push by Banner, Thanos looked up and claimed that he should be grateful, but was brutally punched in the face. Thanos is a descendant of an offshoot of Kirby’s Eternals.

He became legendary figure of villainy in the Marvel Universe.

Thanos then got up from the ground only to be hit by Mjølnir once it was deflected by Captain America's Shield.

With his immeasurable strength, Thanos quickly broke Captain America's Shield, shearing off parts of it with each blow, before knocking him down and finally defeating him with a harsh swing from his sword.However, while Thanos proclaimed his new intentions, he was unaware that 2014 As his forces and the Avengers battled fiercely to a stalemate, both viciously struggling for supremacy, Thanos remained unchallenged as he used his Double-Edged Sword both as a boomerang and melee weapon, swiftly killing a Master of the Mystic Arts after the sword returned to his hand. In the twenty-five years after Warlock turned Thanos to stone, the Mad Titan only appeared once, to guide the soul of the recently deceased Captain Marvel to the afterlife, in the classic graphic novel, The Death of Captain Marvel. Thanos’ ego was so big that he loved to toy with his enemies, drawing out their torment to the greatest degree. Looking Vision straight in the eye, Thanos crushed his vibranium skull with little effort, forcefully ripping the Mind Stone out from Vision's head and killing him in the process. In the comics, he is driven by an obsessive love of Lady Death. An example of this was when his 2014 self referred to the Avengers as "unruly wretches" whereas in 2018, he expressed his respect for Iron Man and did not refer to his enemies with derogatory terms, even referring to When Thanos first saw what would become of his future self, he simply saw it as destiny and was mostly unfazed by the recording of his death. Although his lack of hesitation in torturing her to make Gamora confess the location of the Soul Stone could be another act of favoritism, Thanos did not actually kill her and in the final moments of his life, following Nebula defending his honor, Thanos genuinely thanked her and regretfully acknowledged that he'd been too harsh on her. Thanos was then blasted by lighting and pinned on the ground, causing a second wave of attack. This changed backstory has radically transformed Thanos's motives as a result. When he learned from Doctor Strange that Ebony Maw was dead, he stated the quest for the Infinity Stones "extracts a heavy toll" and with the loss of all his children and his followers, he mournfully acknowledged to Gamora's spirit he lost everything by fulfilling his goal. A great character spawns ideas that make the fictional universe he resides in richer; Thanos already spawned Eros, Gamora, and Drax.

Yes, Lee and Kirby’s creations provided the conflict for Thanos, but his sweeping and majestic back story was something unique. Thanos dropped Loki's corpse in front of a distraught Thor, saying that he will not be resurrected again.

When Thanos targeted Earth as the next planet he would raze, Black Dwarf arrived in Wakanda.

Marvel's Infinity event unofficially kicks off with tomorrow's Free Comic Book Day issue, and Thanos is gonna be a major player. Noting that he had known that she would come, Thanos offered Gamora the chance to go with him willingly. Grabbing on the Nano Gauntlet, Thanos was attacked by Captain Marvel, being punched in the face twice.

Thanos travels the galaxy indiscriminately, slaughtering everyone he encounters.