The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 1024 pages and is available in Paperback format.
A .320 batting average iGreat book. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of In The Players, you'll find listings of the top 100 players at each position in the major leagues, along with James's signature stats-based ratings method called “Win Shares,” a way of quantifying individual performance and calculating the offensive and defensive contributions of catchers, pitchers, infielders, and outfielders. I’ve spent more hours reading this book than any other 10 books combined. The book tries to explain the statistics he uses, in some cases, developed. —Forbes Moneyball is a quest for the secret of success in baseball. He's way off base about Jim Rice, though. It's too bad he wrote all those books about philosophy and not more like this one about the great american pastime. We also have many ebooks and user guide is also related with the new bill james historical baseball Bill James again brings original insight to historical debates without losing track of what makes baseball the best sport.

Angel123330 Eurwen. Welcome back. Good thing William didn't agree or we wouldn't have glorious tomes like this to refer to any time the simple phrase, "scoreboard" will not end an argument about baseball. This is my favorite book of all-time. In one instance, he didn't even try and left it at "it's too far over your head, just believe me it works" which was extremely annoying.I was a big fan of the Bill James yearly abstracts. Books to Borrow. For example, after I read the section on Mickey Mantle as a centerfielder, I might want to go back and read the section on Joe DiMaggio, The book is divided into two major sections.

Rice was one-dimensional--but nobody did that dimension better in that era.This book should be to ardent baseball fans what the Bible is to devout Christians. He did change the face of baseball, starting with Billy Beane and Moneyball. The rest of the book discusses James' evaluations of the best 100 layers at each position. To steal someone else's review: I don't think you're supposed to read this book from cover to cover, it's more intended to be something you pick up now and then and read a little bit at a time. If you are a baseball fan, this book is required reading.This is one book I would rather have in hardback rather than read on my IPAD because (1) it is a book to be enjoyed by reading short sections here and there, although one could certainly read the entire 1,000+ pages straight through, from beginning to end, and (2) the pages are not numbered on my IAD edition, making it very difficult to go back and forth. It’s my sports Bible. Definitely my favorite in the William James oeuvre. James does not mean for this book to be definitive; when he ranks the 100 best players of all time at each position, he provides statistical reasoning, but also funny anecdotes and quotes about the players - just enough foThis book is a very entertaining reference for baseball fans. Most of the time he is successful.
It 19s my sports Bible. James uses some excellent concepts, like secondary average (which is meant to capture a similar thing as OPS) and the basic idea that you need to look at players’ stats in comparison to the other players playing at the same time. Bill James has made his name through quantitative analysis of the game, looking for answers to questions that could not be answered, or had unsatisfying/incomplete answers, through "traditional" baseball statistics. Read James' book first or you will look foolish.This is my favorite book of all-time. We’d love your help. When Bill James published his original Historical Baseball Abstract in 1985, he produced an immediate classic, hailed by the Chicago Tribune as the “holy book of baseball.” Now, baseball's beloved “Sultan of Stats” (The Boston Globe) is back with a fully revised and updated edition for the new millennium. It’s my sports Bible. etc. It's not meant for everyone. Great book about Base Ball from the early days to the 90's, a decade by decade snapshot, a top 100 list of players by position, and a lot of stories and of course the numbers.I absolutely ADORE this book. This is a gargantuan task, arguably one that cannot be done without engendering some sort of conflict. And there's more: the Reference section covers Win Shares for each season and each player, and even offers a Win Share team comparison. etc. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. Hands down. I completely wore out my first copy with rereading, and was excited to buy a replacement. Clear HOF candidate between 1975 and 1986, and it's not Rice's fault that there wasn't a ton of 5-tool players during that time.