He and his friend Mel are on the run from the corrupt cloning company Embrogen! Now christened ‘M1’, Mel is led to a large room where she and the Jay clones are forced to undergo gruelling bio-metric tests to assess their intelligence. After overhearing a conversation between Salko and Lomas, Jay is convinced that his father, Marshall, is doing EmbroGen's dirty work and decides to do all that he can to stop him. Fleecey is growing restless at Maggie's house. As his wife leaves the building, Marshall is taken down to the underground laboratory by Salko and introduced to the clones. However, she used her mobile phone – the one thing that Jay made her promise she wouldn’t do – to call home first. However, the call is just a trick to get her out of the house for long enough for Lomas to intercept Mel. She uncovers the skylight and reveals the clones to the shocked backers and to the press who are watching Marshall's webcast. 2005 2. The two EmbroGen operatives receive a signal from Jay's mobile phone and drive off to intercept it, unaware that the phone was switched on by Maggie and is currently lying in an area of waste ground.

Now realising that Mel was right about Uncle Harry all along, they wait until nightfall to make a daring escape from his house. As Marshall and Lorraine start to worry, Jay sneaks out of the wardrobe and begins to tidy Mel's extremely messy bedroom.

Episode #1.5 12 May 2005 6. Meanwhile, back at the Keaton family home, Marshall finds that all of the files have been deleted from his computer. Fleecey shouts to Mel and Jay who run out of the front door in time to see the two EmbroGen operatives climb out of their car...but what has happened to Fleecey? Lomas and Boyer realise that this must be Jay's work and set about tracking him down. But then the alarms begin to sound. The following morning, she asks her mum, Lorraine, what EmbroGen is. He is horrified when he discovers that EmbroGen have cloned his son, but while Jay is still on the run, he has no choice but to aid Salko in his plan to create a world full of perfect children. But then the alarm starts to sound on Jay's phone and Glenda discovers his hiding place. Jay's father, Marshall Keaton has been forced to leave home and work for EmbroGen. Quickly, they change back into their own clothes and make their way out of the building. Looking for some great streaming picks? You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Maggie reveals herself as the Professor who taught Salko at University and who vowed to one day stop his evil plans. Back at EmbroGen, the evil Salko is delighted that the memory stick is now in his hands – the cloning experiment can go ahead. Episode #1.4 5 May 2005 5. At the hospital, Lorraine and Glenda have already watched their children; Mel and Jay give an interview to the press outside the EmbroGen building on the television. He and Mel manage to make their way back to Maggie's car where they are reunited with Fleecey. His bag is stolen by a gang of bullies and with it the precious files. She was found lying in the road, a victim of a hit-and-run – left to die by both Boyer and Lomas. Now stranded in what looks like a very rough part of town, it's not long before Jay runs into serious trouble. Maggie however, seems sure that Jay will make the right choice.

Lorraine now has to cope with the fact that both of her children are missing. Urging Jay to remain strong, she gives him a small black wallet and tells him to keep it safe – she's sure that one day he’ll need it. It is decision time for Jay; can he trust the man he believes to be responsible for the terrifying journey that has led him here? Back at home, poor little Fleecey is unhappy. Could he be a clone? Then he calls Salko from his office, distracting him just long enough for Jay to be able to hide a remote controlled video camera behind the gigantic portrait of Salko that is about to be hung on the wall. But then a Ticket Inspector climbs on board and fearing that this might be another EmbroGen trick, Jay gets off at the very next stop. Unaware of Fleecey's disappearance, Jay and Mel finally manage to tune the TV in and are shocked when they see a news report all about ‘Jay’s’ return home. The day is saved by Maggie Wych and Nash who appear in one of the corridors. Although he is initially delighted to be reunited with Fleecey, Jay knows that there is no way that he can continue to stay on the run with a nine-year-old in tow, especially when she is already seriously getting on Mel's nerves. After a late night talk with Glenda, J2 asks to be taken to the hospital where he offers to donate one of his own kidneys to save his ‘sister’ Fleecey. Jay has no option but to do what Lomas asks. Meanwhile, Jay's younger sister, Fleecey is lying injured in a nearby hospital. More information.